Hello, PRG thank you for hosting me as a featured author. And hello, lovely Paranormal Romance Guild readers.
I’m thrilled to be sharing my writing journey with you. A little about me is an excellent place to start. I’m a mom and married with children. Okay, enough of that. Joseph, Natasha, Benjamin, and I are all animal lovers, and we have three dogs and a horse, but I must confess I do have a favorite. Presenting my five-pound writing assistant, Giorgio Armani, my Chihuahua. He’s the love of my life. Once he was spry and handsome, but now he’s sixteen and getting on in years, but aren’t we all. In my eyes, he’s forever young, and I pray he lives to be two-hundred-years in dog years.
I’ve had a lot of passions in my life but never one that demanded more of me than my writing. I live, eat, and breathe it. My days and nights are spent dreaming of, thinking of, plotting, and creating the stories that I hope are loved by my audience of readers. My latest series of books, the Out of Time series, is all about reincarnation, time-travel, romance, and art. My heroine, a psychic art historian who, with her former Navy Seal fiance and art detective partner, investigate and recover stolen and lost art. I’m a stickler for historical accuracy and detail, and spend much of my time on research, interweaving my story with the colors, the scents, and the flavors of time and place. It’s what makes the past come alive in my view. However, it’s not only about recovering art and solving mysteries– the Out of Time series is also about delving into the soul of the artist and finding out what made them tick. The books explore how the past influences the future, and the joy of love conquering obstacles that go beyond one lifetime.
Besides writing, I’m a gourmet cook, so food always plays an essential part in my life and in my stories. Expect to have your senses awakened and your mouth watering. As do the international settings, think Florence, Rome, London, and Tiburon.
I started writing ten years ago and have won numerous awards, which is always a thrill. It’s nice to receive praise for your blood, sweat, and tears. I’m up for a couple of big awards shortly, and time will tell whether I get to raise my glass in celebration. Writing is a difficult journey, and finding acceptance and success for your efforts is always a struggle. I hope you will find the time to join me on the journey, and I love hearing from readers, and I love reviews!
I’m very excited about the next book in the series, which will release late June or early July. The Girl Who Adored Rembrandt is the next book in the Out of Time, and I can’t wait to share it with you.
Favorite Books that I Wrote:

The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci is a #1 Bestseller on Amazon. It was a finalist in the 2019 TopShelf Book Award. It was the RONE Award Silver Medal Finalist for Audiobook, and the 2019 RAVEN Award gold medal winner for Paranormal Thriller.
The Girl Who Loved Caravaggio is also a #1 Amazon Bestseller. To date, it is the winner of the Book Excellence Award and is up for the 2020 RONE Award in Time-Travel.
Escape was a 2018 RONE Award Finalist.
Vengeance is the 2019 Winner of the Readers’ Favorite Award for Espionage Thriller
Favorite Books by People who Aren’t Me.

I picked these five for different reasons, but mainly because they are great examples within their genres. They represent a wide range of types of books, which represents my reading habits. All of these five were well written, exciting, and page-turners. The genres covered are thriller/romantic, contemporary/mystery, action/thriller, historical/literary, and paranormal/vampire.
If you’d like to ask Belle a question, feel free to leave a comment on this post, and we’ll make sure she sees it.