Jordan Abbey #3
Paranormal Romance
Stitched Wolf Press

Amazon Link: amazon
In the town of Rancho Robles, can one werewolf protect the Children of the Wolf and the Bat?
Chaos Wolf Jordan Abbey has made friends among the Black Oak Pack even though she refuses to join it. The same can’t be said of the vampires, but her life has taken a turn for the better.
That is until Enya Blevins, sister to the werewolf who turned Jordan, arrives in Rancho Robles. She wants to know who killed her baby brother and is less than impressed by the Chaos Wolf. Enya wants revenge, starting with Jordan and ending with the vampires infesting the area.
Jordan is prepared to flee, but a technicality makes her an Alpha Werewolf. Now she must stand her ground to protect her nascent Pack and those she loves.
The past has come back to bite her. Does she have the fangs to bite back?
Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Amazon Link: amazon
Just when things don’t look like they can any worse they do. An envoy and Talespeaker from the Green River Pack are coming to get information on Rhys death. The envoy is Enya Blevins Rhys’s sister and Montgomery’s ex-fiancé. When his father was alpha, he arranged the marriage between Mongomery and Enya but with his father’s death and his falling in love with a vampire the betrothal was ended.
Now Enya wants Rhys fangs returned the same fangs that Montgomery handed over to Rosanna. Jordan removed the fangs when she was still ignorant to how things should be done. She gave the fangs to Montgomery and since Rhys was responsible for killing Rosanna’s famulus she demanded his fangs as retribution.
If Jordan cannot return the fangs there would be a price to pay and Jordan is not ignorant what the price will be. Rosanna refuses to return the fangs, but Angela comes up with an idea. She claims that Jordan is an alpha and now Enya demands it be proven. Jordan must kill an animal alone and return it with no marks other than the death marks to prove she has self-control.
She lays the animal on a rock and the Wolf appears and accepts her. Now the next step is Enya and Jordan will have to fight, first blood wins and hopefully without dying. When it comes to who will train Jordan it is Angela who is willing. Fortunately, over time Jordan and Angela have managed to be civil to each other.
With all the alpha business settled another obstacle comes Montgomery’s way, his older brother Nicolas Quino is returning home and Montgomery never met but his reputation is one of mean, worse than Marcus and hates werewolves. Montgomery has no doubt that Nicolas’s return will cause problems and adding to all the other problems he and Jordan face it may be more than they can handle.
This is a wonderful series and should be read in order to get the full story from the beginning. Secrets, lies, surprises and a fight to survive. Montgomery is in as much danger as Jordan since he was once a werewolf and was to be the next Alpha, so vampires hate him as much as Jordan.