The Stones of Power, Book 3
LGBT, Gay, Paranormal, Fantasy, Futuristic, Romance
M.D. Grimm; 2 edition
April 2, 2017

Every story has more than one point of view.
As the mate to the dark mage Morgorth, Aishe has learned a lot about magick, love, and himself. He tries to find a home with Morgorth, to be accepted into his world; to survive in a world full of magick, treachery, and deception. But all the while he struggles to keep a secret about his past and their intertwined destinies. Despite all the obstacles thrown at both of them, Aishe is determined to stay by Morgorth’s side, no matter what the future brings—even if that future turns dark with death should Morgorth embrace his grim destiny.
But when Morgorth leaves with his mentor to collect another stone of power, Aishe is left behind. It is then a surprise attack comes and Aishe, determined to protect and defend his new home, decides to take the invaders on by himself. It might prove too much for him to handle...especially when he learns the one who leads the invaders is a mage.
This book allows us a glimpse inside the mind of Lord Morgorth’s better half, a dialen named Aishe: his motivations, his personal sorrows, and his struggle to find a place to call home.
Available at Amazon.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
This is the third book in what I consider an amazing series and although the author does a wonderful job of bringing the reader up to date I still think you would be missing out on some great reading if you didn’t start with book one, there is also the very real possibility that I will be giving away spoilers from the past two books.
Aishe and his mate Morgorth the Dark Mage are settling into life with each other but Aishe is still trying to prove himself and prove that Geheimnist and the Vororoth Forest are his home. When Morgorth’s mentor Master Ulezander comes to train Morgorth in his magic it intrudes on the time that he and Aishe spend together because each night Morgorth can just about get to bed and that is only with the help of his loving mate.
When Morgorth receives word of another Stone of Power being located he and Ulezander have to go to retrieve it leaving Aishe by himself. During the time that he is alone he begins to think back on the past the time he first met Morgorth and fell in love with him and the words that Morgorth spoke to him before he left to return to the future. He insisted that he and Aishe would one day be together and Aishe needed to become a warrior, he needed to train and when the two were finally reunited Morgorth would have no memory of what happened in the past but he insisted that Aishe not give up on him, challenge him until Morgorth finally accepts him.
During the time that Aishe is alone he finds himself lost, no matter how much he tries to occupy his time he is not successful until a message is delivered to him that there are invaders coming led by a mage. There is no doubt in Aishe’s mind that the invasion has all been set in place by the Council to once again try to force Morgorth to declare war so they can finally put an end to him. As the seventh son of a seventh son the Council fears that Morgorth will once day destroy everything and everyone.
This is Aishe’s time to prove himself and he refuses to send for Morgorth a very brave and very stupid thing to do since he is not just fighting soldiers he is fighting a mage with powers he can’t duplicate. None the less he is willing to do anything to protect his mate and home and with the help of the creatures who live in the forest and the castle he sets out to destroy the mage. There is no doubt in Aishe’s mind that there is a traitor because there is no other way that King Serpen and the Council could be aware of Morgorth’s absence. Aishe remembers back to when an enemy accused his brother Eulun of being a traitor, a brother Aishe is still convinced died with everyone else from his tribe.
This is Aishe’s story, his past, the loss of everyone he loved, finding the mage from his childhood who he loved and lost until now and the very, very strong love he has for his mate who in spite of everyone only seeing evil and danger only sees a loving man who suffered at the hands of his own father until he finally escaped the torture.
I am now going to begin book four because there is so much more that I want to learn about Morgorth and Aishe but that doesn’t mean the books end with cliffhangers they just end with the knowledge that there is more coming and I can’t wait.