The Ryan Chronicles - Book 3
Paranormal Romance Thriller
JET-Fueled Fiction
October 17, 2014

CJ Ryan's life seems to have fallen into place, and while the backdrop of his Hawaiian honeymoon provides the perfect healing elixir, the guilt of sentencing his father to an eternity of torture at Lucifer's hands starts to intrude on his happily-ever-after.
When he and Valerie return from Hawaii, a note from the king of hell greets him, outlining in sickening detail his plans for CJ and those he holds dearest.
With everyone he loves on Lucifer's hit list, CJ must start living up to the bargain he made in Heaven, but every one of Hell's gates he closes is one less portal available for his father's escape.
Review by Penelope Adams
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Book 3 begins after C.J.’s trip to heaven, return of his memory, and another battle with “he who will not be named.” C.J. was infused with angel grace and learned he, too, was a trinity. Hoping things are going to settle down for a bit, C.J. and Valerie finally wed and set off for their dream honeymoon. But, per usual with C.J., even a honeymoon can bring challenges and yet more decisions to be made. Once more C.J. and company are going to be asked to give more of themselves and face the challenges that just might finally break them.
Ms. Taylor has taken us on a wild ride with this series. We have seen the face of evil and discovered it can look just like the one we love. This installment in the series follows the previous two in giving us more incarnations of that evil and taking us right up to brink of exhaustion and fear. Just to give us moments of relief, and even a little laughter. C.J. is coming into the true man he was meant to be, he learns more about his own nature and is growing into a strong, loyal young man. Valerie has proved to be a strong woman throughout the whole series, but this time she is tested to almost beyond her limits and there were times throughout this story I feared she might break. The supporting family we’ve come to know and love are once again present. This is C.J.’s story, however, they play strong roles in the outcome.
This series has been a wild ride and, at times, a little difficult to read. I’ve enjoyed the story and have been completely awed by the way Ms. Taylor has taken the basic fight of good and evil and given it an unusual and inventive twist. I had a few niggles, and in this book those niggles bothered me a little more than in the previous ones. I feel like the series might be becoming a bit predictable. There is going to be a battle, and “he who will not be named” is going to trick everyone and the outcome is going to be what is expected. Don’t misunderstand, the journey to the end is exciting and heart stopping and I’ve hung on every word, it’s not that I didn’t enjoy the story, but I felt like I had been told it before. Niggle number two, “he who will not be named” seems to always have the upper hand. While there are angels, and they do have a certain amount of power, even they seem to fear him. Where is the big guy during all this? On vacation?
My niggles aside, this is a great series and this book holds up to the previous ones both in the story itself and in Ms. Taylor’s style of telling it.