Range series Book 5
M/M Romance
Dreamspinner Press
December 3, 2012

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Marty Green goes to Brackett College in Wyoming and is playing in his first basketball game as part of the school’s team. What should have been the best night of his life, turned out to be his worst. While on the court for the first time, he suffers a stroke that leaves him hospitalized for months. He celebrated his nineteenth birthday in the last place on earth he ever wanted to be. The left side of his body suffered the worst damage, leaving him unable to walk, or use his left hand properly. He now faces the possibility of years of physical therapy; even that may not be enough to get him back to where he wants to be.
When it is time for Marty to leave the hospital, he begs his doctor to find him a place where he can stay. Since the kidnapping and death of his six year old brother many years ago his family, especially his mother have become overly protective. Marty knows that in order for him to become independent and learn to handle his handicap, he must be on his own away from parent’s who will insist on doing everything for him. Marty’s father is a Senator, and his family is extremely rich, which is why he and his sister and brother are watched closely.
Coming to the rescue is none other than Dakota; he offers Marty a place to stay, therapy and a job. Dakota knows that unless Marty feels useful, he will never gain his independence. Marty is thrilled. What he never expected was to meet Wally’s new veterinary assistant Quinn. Marty has never given into the fact that he is gay, doing so would cause problems for his father, and he did not want to hurt them. Now he is living with other gay men who have found their soul mates, and he sees that being gay is not just about having sex. It is about finding love.
Both Quinn and Marty have fathers who are against homosexuality, but at least Quinn’s dad knows. Only he is determined that nobody else find out about Quinn and bring dishonor to the family. Quinn and Marty have strong feelings for each other. Until Marty can accept who he is, things will be difficult. There is also a huge age difference between Marty and Quinn. Marty is nineteen and Quinn is twenty-six, but then again they are only numbers. Will Marty finally give into his emotions and accept who he is? If he reveals his sexuality to his parents, will they turn against him?
This is the fifth novel in the series, and we catch up on what is going on in the lives of those we have been reading about. We find out what happened to Wilson after he revealed he was gay and what has happened in his career. We watch as Dakota and Wally do what they always do, help others. The author once again shows us that all that matters in life is love, and not living a life of lies. There is no happiness for those who closet themselves. If you are not true to yourself, you can never be true to others. This was another warm, touching story about men finding out who they are and accepting themselves. I wish that more people could read these stories and learn that in the end we are all alike. We laugh, we cry, and we love.