Book Two Legend of the Ancients -The Books of Locurnia
Coming of Age Fantasy, LGBTQ Fantasy
Blaxk Onyx Publishing
Nov 28, 2020
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Meran Durante is a young man whose nights are filled with nightmares reliving his older brother Beorn’s death. With Beorn’s death Meran became the heir something he never wanted. He is filled with a mixture of love and resentment toward Beorn since he knows he can never live up to his father’s expectations of him.
Meran’s father is Lord Marshall and expects his son to follow the rules laid down for him, rules Meran consistently ignores. The nightly visions of his brother’s death plague him and when he finally finds a release it just puts him in more danger. After a vision his friend Ellom comforts him and puts Meran in the position of submissive, settling his mind and allowing him to finally fall asleep. Unfortunately, Meran never considered have sex with Ellom and now he tries to keep it from happening again.
Meran’s father wants him to be a seer, but he can’t wield the power all he can do is nightly enter the dreamscape and relive a painful vision of his brother and other men dying painfully and horribly.
One of his friends Jon is an artist and his father was going to be his patron until he decided to renege on his promise to teach his son a lesson after he once again disobeyed him and caused him embarrassment. When Jon is offered another patronage, he asks Meran to accompany him and despite pleas from Ellom he goes.
What happens to him is something he must live with because it was at the time what Meran desired, but it was a betrayal and embarrassment especially when it was revealed to his father.
When Meran’s father took away all his liberties and took control of the money left to him by his mother all Meran could think of doing was find Ellom and apologize for not accompanying him and to discover why he went to his father to reveal where he was. The meeting was at the home of a man who his father was in competition with, and it was anything but friendly.
Ellom is missing and even the magic that the Voce have to be able to track someone has failed to find him. This incident would be the one that would change Meran’s life and set him on a new path.
I can’t wait to pick up book three and follow Meran when he meets Falric and what the gem is and finally get some answers that were raised in book one. This is a series that must be read in order.
Wonderful characters, explicit sex, an orgy, secrets and surprises and a young man trying to find his magic.