REVIEW: Stacy's Story - John J Blenkush - Paranormal Romance Guild
A young woman embarks on a camping trip with her husband to a remote location near a fire outlook where, for five days, she is held captive. She is stripped of persona, recreated as a warrior. Initially, she is no match for her antagonist; he, a murderer, a prison thug, and the 'ranger'; she the coddled LA Valley girl, the safeguarded spouse, the nurse, who only knows how to nurture life, not end it.Stacy guards against the erosion of self by reflecting on her past life, but when Brock forces her to lose ‘Stacy’ she uses her love for family and the memories of her past life to fortify her resolve. She becomes cold-hearted, courageous, and ever bolder, studying Brock and using what she learns to push back. As she gains the upper hand, she solves the mystery surrounding Brock. It is only then she knows what she must do to secure her future.
Melissa Brus