Gifted Book Two
Occult Horror, Psychic Romance
Celie Bay Publications LLC
April 5, 2022
430 pages
From the author of Healer comes Connection, a tale of supernatural suspense in which one man's search for redemption pits him against a cunning religious leader and his community who are preparing for a violent end of the world.
Retired Army Captain Jackson Howe views his ability to "connect" with others as invasive and inconvenient, but he deals with it by only using his power to help others. He's found purpose at Havenhart Academy using art therapy with child victims of trauma and his friends have embraced him and his quirky behavior, but after meeting Delaney's friend Cassidy—and developing a stronger than usual "connection" with her—he fears he's destined to forever be on the outside looking in.
But when Cassidy's link to Havenhart makes her a target and the plane she's flying is hijacked, she's forced to crashland in the Florida Everglades and becomes a pawn in the struggle between good and evil. Jackson will call on his training—and special skills—to save her from an enemy determined to spread evil and hurt those Jackson holds dear.
Follow the continuing saga of Havenhart Academy in Book Two of the Gifted Series.
18+ for violence and language. Best read after Healer: Gifted Book One
2022 RCA Author Interview with R.L. Merrill
Interview by Sherry Perkins
As far as covers go, the eyes have it in nominee R.L. Merrill’s book, Connection. More than that, though, the cover hints at what’s to come in this gripping story of sixth sense and trauma, a story she was determined to do justice!
Connection was inspired by my best friend, who is a pilot, and my fascination with the potential for psychic powers. I have worked with trauma victims, and many of them develop a sixth sense that helps them deal with what they’ve experienced. In Connection, I wanted to dive deeper into the good vs. evil element of the first book in the series, Healer, and give readers a taste of what it is like for folks who are swayed by a powerful leader with malevolent intentions.
I’d love for Connection to win because the fact that folks enjoyed it was the most positive thing to come out of the pandemic for me! It was a hard book to write, one I put down several times and thought “I just can’t do this justice,” but it came together with the help of my beta readers and editor, and it let me know that I could, in fact, still write a novel.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support and this opportunity!
I walked them to the door, and Joanna turned to face me.
“Mr. Howe, please tell Headmaster that all is not as it seems and he should trust his intuition.”
“Thanks, Joanna. I will.”
Well, that made it official. Cautiously happy days were definitely gone.
I plopped down on the couch with my head in my hands. The nightmare I mentioned to Joanna? It was about Cassidy, and I couldn’t shake the sick feeling that something was horribly wrong. I threw on a sweatshirt and decided this news couldn’t wait until the morning.
I stepped into the evening air and it did wonders to clear my head. I walked toward Delaney’s bungalow, thinking again about Cassidy—
Suddenly, my vision was full of lush greenery and the smell of rotting vegetation filled my sinuses. And blood. My skin was damp with a layer of sweat, courtesy of suffocating humidity. The sky was dark but there were lights in front of me. I stepped forward and felt asphalt under my feet, still hot. The lights wavered and I realized why.
There was fire, and a lot of it.
Smoke filled my nostrils and my chest was tight from the combination of heavy air and acrid soot. My eyes and chest burned. I couldn’t get enough oxygen. My legs gave out and I hit the ground hard. Glass shattered in front of me and I shouted when the shards hit me in the face.
“Jackson! Oh my God!”
“Delaney? Is that you? I can’t see!”
“Damien! Help me get him inside.”
Delaney attempted to drag my 200-pound ass into her bungalow without much success. Damien gave his assistance and between the two of them, they were able to get me up the steps and onto a soft surface .
“Dear God, he smells like smoke. What the hell happened?”
Damien placed his hands on my chest. The smell grew stronger and filled up the room, causing Delaney to wheeze.
“Is he burned anywhere? What happened?”
I heard the puff of her inhaler and I winced, frustrated that I’d brought this to her door. “Delaney, I’m sorry.”
“Are you alright, love?” Damien asked her.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Jackson, can you tell us what happened?”
“It burns,” I cried. “The fire…my skin!”
“Help me get these clothes off him.”
My sweatshirt was yanked over my head. Cool air brushed my skin like shards of glass, but then it was a relief. Smaller hands, probably Delaney’s, went to work on my jeans and when they had me down to my boxers, I started to cough.
“Grab some water. He’s going to need it. His skin feels warm to the touch but I don’t see any burns.”
“I’m tossing these clothes outside,” Delaney said, then I heard the fridge open and close. Damien propped me up and a bottle was lifted to my lips. I took a tentative sip and coughed some more.
“His skin is cooling,” Damien said. “What the hell happened? Where have you been?”
“My apartment. Joanna had a vision. She came to tell me and I…and I feel like I just lived it. I was coming to tell you.” I blinked a few times. Thankfully my vision started to return.
“What did she say?” Delaney asked.
“She Saw something. It was a plane crash.” I knew my next words were going to crush her. “Delaney—it’s Cassidy.”
Whether she’s spinning feel-good stories to make you laugh and swoon or spooky yarns to make you shiver, Ro writes queer and het contemporary and paranormal romance for grown-ups who use their words (mostly) and take care of business. She’s a mom and wife who’s on hiatus from a career in education while she explores the new terrain of mid-life adventures. You can catch her walking while she works out her latest plot issues, gardening to gain inspiration, spoiling her rescue pets, or headbanging at a concert near her home in the San Francisco Bay. Stay Tuned for more hits coming your way…