June Featured Author – Amy Lane

PRG is happy to welcome Amy Lane as June’s Featured Author! Please tell us a little bit about yourself I taught English for 18 years, I have four kids–two of them grown and out of the house but two of them still in activity whirlwind, and I am writing in my head almost constantly! What … Read more

PRG’s Halloween WIP Contest

Welcome, everybody! Welcome to our first annual Halloween WIP (Work in Progress) Contest. Here are the rules: Send us the first 2 chapters of your current WIP Submit before the August 1st deadline This contest is open to everyone. It’s 10 dollars for non-members and 5 dollars for members Click here for details on how to submit. … Read more

May Featured Author: Libby Doyle

Please tell us a little bit about yourself Have you ever been asked in an interview to describe yourself in one word? Being a writer who loves words, it’s hard for me to choose only one. I’ll offer three: intrepid, high-strung and eclectic. I say intrepid because I’ve never shied away from an adventure, like when I moved … Read more

Help us prevent an LGBTQ Holocaust

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: … Read more

Member Services: Cover Artists

  One of the fantastic features that paid author members have is access to our directory of services. In this week’s edition of Member Services we are highlighting our Cover Artists. We have 5 different companies offering paid author members a discount. Featured Are: The Killian Group Dragon Realms Press (the creator of our brand … Read more

April Giveaway Author: Courtney Shepard

Welcome to the PRG Book Giveaway for the month of April! PRG Premium Author Courtney Shepard is giving away (5) digital copies of her Fantasy/Romance novel, Unbalanced, along with a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card! That means there will be six lucky winners this month! Blurb for Unbalanced: Asha is fire. Every generation four sisters with … Read more

Author Member Benefits: Blog Tours

One of the many author member services we provide is the ability for the paid author to set up their own blog tours free of charge. With over 14 different Blog Tour Partners – The Paranormal Romance Guild covers the spectrum of genres – and we’re adding more partners all the time !! So, Paid … Read more

April Author of the Month – Jennifer Allis Provost

The PRG is pleased to welcome Jennifer Allis Provost for the April Author of the Month! Please tell us a little bit about yourself I’ve lived in Massachusetts for almost my entire life, which means I walk fast, talk fast, and swear. A lot. I have degrees in both environmental science and marketing, which probably … Read more

Author Interview: JJ DiBenedetto

The Paranormal Romance Guild is proud to present an interview with PRG Premium Membership Author JJ DIBENEDETTO Please tell us a little bit about yourself By day I work in marketing, and by night I’m an author with ten novels published so far and number eleven on the way the end of this month. I live in the Washington, DC … Read more

Vance Bastian: Voice Over Actor

Vance Bastian loves being a professional storyteller. His passion really took off in college where his studies highlighted themes in classical literature and mythology that continue to echo in modern literature. Stories where heroes of all eras stand up to rulers who would put them down. Heroes who take the fight to monsters who would … Read more