Wolf Winter Book Three
MM Paranormal Romance
Dreamspinner Press
October 27, 2020

For Jack and Gregor, the exiled Wolf Princes of the Scottish pack, it’s someplace they never wanted to leave. For Danny, who fled as soon as he could, it’s someplace he never planned to return. As for Nick, pathologist and carrion bird, he has nowhere else to be.
It offers only one thing—the Old Man’s help in putting down the bloody-handed treachery from the prophets who dogged them all the way from Durham. The twins’ father is many things, not all of them kind, but not even the prophets would cross him.
But when they finally arrive home, they find the Old Man gone and the prophets’ puppet installed in his place. Outnumbered, bereaved, and haunted by old mistakes, the four of them must discover the prophet Rose’s plan before it’s too late. As the stakes rise and the cold settles into their bones, they find that the old fairy tales hide horrors under their pretty words.
In the Highlands, Fenrir has stirred, and he’s hungry.
The prophets have always said that a Wolf Winter is red as blood—but they never said whose.
She Said – She Said
She Said
Reviewed by Melissa Brus
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Cold and dark. Ferocious and unforgiving. Brutal and beautiful. This last installment in the Wolf Winter trilogy takes all of the pieces from the previous books and twists them some more into a finale that will take your breath away. That’s if you manage to take a breath during this book at all.
Jack and Gregor finally face the prophet Rose, but the final choices they make are both unexpected and so perfect, the reader is gonna wonder why they didn’t think of it- well at least I did.
Moore takes the reader through it all, every blood spattered moment. The progression of the relationships against the backdrop of the continuing battle against the machinations of Rose and her minions is so enthralling.
This trilogy is not a light read, but wow does it deliver all the incredible depth that I have come to expect from TA Moore and her writing. And a bit of darkness is to be expected from combining Highland wolves and Fenrir legends. This book left me with one of those book hangovers we love. The end of this was just perfection.
She Said
Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer & Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
The long waited #3 is here! I didn’t think this one would be any easier than the first two. The world is tough on the reader both in storyline and in weather. You wouldn’t imagine the cold, the relentless snow, the sleet and ice would affect you, but our author makes us ‘feel’ the suffering along with her characters.
We have met the twins, the wolf brothers, bound in hatred for each other, both wanting to lead the wolves. Jack has been banished and finds his lover Danny. Gregor finds his brother Jack and himself, in the first two books. Now they have a quest to save the world as they know it. The Wolf Winter is Here.
The choices they make during this last story is a masterpiece of both expected and wonderful surprises. The horrors the four continue to face to fight Rose and all the bloody scenes are stark and horrifying; yet needed to come to the wonderful ending Ms Moore fought so hard to bring to her readers.
As I mentioned in the first two reviews, this story is not an easy read. The reader is dedicated to this storyline from the beginning and cannot look back until the chilling perfection to its end in this book…. Perfect!!