EG Manetti has always enjoyed a vivid imagination and occasional scribbling. In 2010 she was struck by the inspiration for The Twelve Systems Chronicles: an epic science fiction series blending the intrigue and danger of space opera with the passion and social hierarchy of historical romance.
To her wonder and eventual consternation, the draft of a single novel soon became three, and then more. In 2012, after several hundred thousand words, The Cartel: The Apprentice, Volume 1 was published, followed by seven other volumes. The latest, Chalice Bearer, released January 21, 2020. To her utter delight and no little shock, the first two volumes have received bronze Reviewers Choice awards from Paranormal Romance Guild, and volumes three and five were finalists for the prestigious InD’tale RONE Award (Reward for Novel Excellence)
A former information technology project manager, EG’s closest brush with fame was a chance meeting with Alec Trebek while working at NASA. She resides in Florida with her beloved (and often confounded) husband and their severely OCD Jack Russell Terrier where she writes as often as possible, cooks exceptionally, and gardens adequately.
Favorite Books that I Wrote:

I am proud of all the volumes I have written, picking five of the eight was super tough. My final choices:
Bright Star, because it shows that Lilian is a serious bad ass.
Transgressions, because the villains of the first three books finally get their retribution.
Serengeti Valor, because of the battle and a major turning point in Lilian and Lucius’ relationship,
Bond Proof, because Lilian triumphs.
Chalice Bearer, because it is my latest and I always love my latest.
Favorite Books by People who Aren’t Me.

If you’d like to ask E.G.a question, feel free to leave a comment on this post, and we’ll make sure she sees it.