Brides of Seattle Book 4
Historical Western Romance
Firehouse Publishing
September 12, 2018
New Release Giveaway
Mail Order Moonlight – Brides of Seattle Book 4 By Cynthia Woolf
3 Lucky Winners!
Winner #1 to receive – Kindle Fire and ebook of Mail Order Moonlight and swag
Winner #2 to receive – $10 Amazon card, ebook of Mail Order Moonlight and swag
Winner #3 to receive ebook of Mail Order Moonlight and swag
**Giveaway Eligible in US Only**
Book Blurb
Nicole Wescott had many secrets and became a mail-order bride to escape them. Little did she know she’d run into a monster worse than any she’d faced before.
Michael Talbot had his world shattered when his fiancée married another. Now he’s sworn off women, but the weeping of the woman in the stable had him changing his mind and marrying her the same day he found her.
Michael and Nicole must learn to trust each other even as danger and a killer stalks them. Can trust turn to love?
Excerpt from Mail Order Moonlight
Michael walked into Dolly’s Saloon, though he’d rather be anywhere than in a room with a bunch of women. He had to admit, the way the women had decorated Dolly’s, it hardly looked like a saloon. This was his first interaction with the women. They’d been here for months now and most of the town was used to them, but Michael hadn’t been here in town much.
The brides had taken the saloon over for their party at least for the next few hours of the afternoon, until dusk when they would clear out and Dolly’s regular crowd came in.
A three-piece band comprised of Clive Barrows, the undertaker and two of Jason’s lumberjacks, played while couples waltzed around the dance floor.
Michael looked for his brothers and sisters-in-law. He needn’t have bothered because Rachel and Lucy, his brother Drew’s wife, were apparently waiting for him. They approached with a good-looking redhead walking between them. He hadn’t wanted to be matched with someone the moment he came in the door, preferring instead to look over the women. But the woman between his sisters-in-law was different than most women he would have considered for a wife. Was that why he came? Did he really want a wife? Even after the way that Ada treated him? No, not yet. He only wanted to look.
He’d never been one for red hair, preferring a blonde like Ada, but this woman made him rethink his preferences. The closer she got, the more he realized she was stunning. Her hair was in curls on one side of her head and pulled behind her ear on the other.
Vibrant green eyes sparkled and her beautiful mouth formed a smile as she stepped forward.
“Hi, I’m Nicole Wescott.” She held out her hand. “And you must be Michael Talbot.”
“Guilty.” Michael took her hand, a shock of lightning ran up his arm. His eyes widened and he glanced from his hand to her face. Her eyes were wide, like she’d felt it, too. “Would you like to dance, Miss Wescott?”
“I’d be delighted, Mr. Talbot.”
Michael looked at his sisters-in-law and winked.
They both grinned back.
Michael let Nicole to the makeshift dance floor, where he placed his other hand at her waist and then he pulled her close, flush with his body. Would she complain? Does she have enough spunk to accept his scandalous behavior?
Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared, but she didn’t refuse him.
“You’re rather rakish aren’t you Mr. Talbot, or should I say, Michael?”
“Michael, please, and are you Nicole or Nicki?”
She looked him straight in the eyes. “Nicole. No one calls me Nicki.”
To defy convention and look me straight in the eye rather than over my shoulder as is proper, this woman has spunk. I like that.
They twirled around the floor until the music ended. Slowly he released her.
She stepped back.
Michael held her hand a little longer than was customary. “Thank you, for the dance. Would you care for some punch? Perhaps on the front porch?”
Nicole nodded. “That would be lovely.”
Michael walked to collect two glasses of punch. He returned to Nicole, who had donned a shawl, and together they went outside. The air was crisp and still smelled of the light rain from a couple of hours earlier. Some might have called it bracing. Michael called it refreshing.
He leaned against the railing, facing her. “Is it too cold for you?”
“No. After the dance and with the shawl on, I’m actually quite warm.”
She sipped the sweet punch, her perfect lips forming a smile as she swallowed. “So what do you do? I assume you work for the lumber company like your brothers.”
He shook his head. “Lumber was never my calling. I’m a rancher or I will be soon. I want to operate a horse breeding operation. I have my main pair…Galahad and Judy. They are both amazing specimens of horseflesh.”
Nicole raised her chin and smiled before leaning against the porch railing next to him.
“I love horses. I only feel totally free when I’m riding or caring for them. That was the hardest thing for me to decide about becoming a bride. I didn’t want to leave my horse behind.”
“I’ve had the same experience. When I’m on Galahad and he’s running like the wind, I feel like I’m soaring in the sky. The feeling is amazing and hard to describe to someone who doesn’t share the exhilaration of riding a great horse.”
A shadow seemed to cross her face, her lips pressed into a line and a wrinkle appeared between her brows.
“In the end the choice was taken from me.”
He turned to face her. “What happened?”
Nicole took a deep breath and shook her head. “I don’t know you well enough to tell you my sorrows.”
I want to hear about her sorrows. Surprisingly, I want to hear all about her. “Perhaps when I return we can get to know each other better.”
She cocked her head and lifted a brow. “Where are you going?”
“I’m starting work on my ranch and will have to be there for the first few weeks. The builders are lumberjacks from my brother’s business. I can only keep the crew for so long before they are needed here in town. I’ll be returning then, to visit and get more lumberjacks. I hope to have the house and barn built in about two months.”
She turned toward him. “I’d like to see your ranch. It sounds like you’ll have quite the operation when you get it going.”
“I plan on it.” He joined her at the rail. Sensing that she was really interested and not just saying what she thought he wanted to hear, he did something he never thought he’d do, especially so soon. “I’d like for you to see my home when it’s built.”
About the Author:
Cynthia Woolf is the award-winning and best-selling author of thirty-two historical western romance books and two short stories with more books on the way.
Cynthia loves writing and reading romance. Her first western romance Tame A Wild Heart was inspired by the story her mother told her of meeting Cynthia’s father on a ranch in Creede, Colorado. Although Tame A Wild Heart takes place in Creede that is the only similarity between the stories. Her father was a cowboy not a bounty hunter and her mother was a nursemaid (called a nanny now) not the ranch owner.
Cynthia credits her wonderfully supportive husband Jim and her great critique partners for saving her sanity and allowing her to explore her creativity.
Rafflecopter Giveaway:
Tame A Wild Heart
To Tame A Wild Heart
To Tame a Wild Heart was your first romance you published
Tame a Wild Heart
Tame a Wild Heart.
Tame a wild heart
To tame a wild heart
Tame A Wild Heart
To Tame a Wild Heart
Tame A Wild Heart
To be honest I have never read any westerns but I did look into To Tame a Wild Heart and it looks really good.
Tame A Wild Heart
To tame a Wild Heart