NEW RELEASE REVIEW – Dirty Job – Dirty Deeds Book #2 – T.A. Moore

Dirty Job Book Cover Dirty Job
Dirty Deeds - Book #2
T.A. Moore
Rogue Firebird Press
July 5, 2022

All Grade Pulaski wanted was a quiet life, a few low-profile murders to clean up after, and his hometown in the rear view as he headed back to LA. Simple, attainable goals. All he had to do was keep his nose down and everyone elseā€™s hands far as the law was concerned...and heā€™d been able to show Sweeny his heels sooner rather than later.

Problem was that Gradeā€™s ā€˜thingā€™ with local mob boss Clay Traynorā€”currently somewhere between a one-night stand and a bad ideaā€”was a lot of things, but it wasnā€™t quiet or simple.

For example, Judge Charity Parker was the last person in Sweeny who needed to know Gradeā€™s name. Yet here he was in her basement after midnight, cleaning up a mess that could derail a couple of political careers in one fell swoop. All because Clay owed Judge Parker a favor... or three.

Grade should have known better than to go along with it. Amateurs always made a job messy, and politicians didnā€™t have a grateful bone in their bodies. Now the only chance he had of seeing LA again meant he had to break his professional code of conduct.

He needed to get his client caught.

Review by Gloria Lakritz

Member of The Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

When a new TA Moore Book is ready for releaseā€¦..I Am Ready !!

Lately this author is back to writing the blood and gory stuff. Between this Dirty Deeds series and the Night Shift seriesā€¦..her readers are in a big pile of blood, gore and sexy, sexy men!

This latest release is the second in the Deeds series, where we met Grade Pulaski, an independent crime scene ā€˜cleanerā€™ in need of work, returning home from LA to make some quick money since heā€™s short of cashā€¦.The Covid epidemic hurt his business.

Coming back to the hole in the wall town of Sweeney, Kentucky gave him a quick job from the local crime boss Clayā€¦.But their relationship manifested quickly to lust and in this second episode he has restored his reputation from the first book and is handed another case bigger and badderā€¦.But bigger doesnā€™t always mean better and this one has the reader needing a score card on bodies, computers, what gang is what and all the mayhem this author can throw at usā€¦ā€¦..and yes the sexy time too!

As always Tammyā€™s stories might be bloody, you can smell the death, hear the bones crackā€¦..You are invested till THE END which always comes too soonā€¦..Loved it 5 Stars

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