Winning at Any Cost-Book #2
Gay Romance, Romantic Suspense, Military Thriller
May 25, 2024
Review by Gloria Lakritz
The Paranormal Romance Guild Review Chair
Wow, another new book from Edward Kendrick, I have recently found this author and have been reading both new and his older books and am so loving his work. I have just plowed through his series Quint and Clay Art Crimes Series and was excitd to see a new release.
The Guardtans is a stand alone and is the second of The Guardians as the first being A Shattred Life which I will read for my own pleasure. It did not spoil any part of my enjoyment of this book.. Kendrick writes great mysteries, and this one had great plotting. Fast Moving, new characters, undercover working for both unethical and ethical agencies.
The central characters revolve around Roger and Rico and their undivided hatred for each other.Mr Kendrick has us in very fast paced plots with jobs taken and done with an amazing surround cast, until Roger and Rico keep bumping into each other…..Spitting like snakes at each other as they eventually have to work together.
I loved these fast paced, one and done cases…..until they begin to slow up to the bigger picture until Roger being injured.
I loved this book, I just don’t wish to give too much away. Great Read….