REVIEW: A Deal in Her Pocket – Brenda Clough

A Deal in Her Pocket Book Cover A Deal in Her Pocket
Brenda Clough
Historical Romance
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Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Star (Ziya) is ruler of Singii a kingdom in Asia and McKinlay (Mack) Spencer an American lawyer have signed a deal with each other but not what you would expect. Star was the victim of rape during WWII and Mack’s wife walked out on him for another man, so Mack came up with a perfect solution. Both needed a way to put the past behind them, Mack would teach Star about sex, and she would teach him how to cheat at cards.

Their deal was no strings attached, sex but no chance of marriage and no saying the word love. Mack put the deal in writing and they both signed it. Unfortunately, after a time Mack couldn’t keep to the letter of the deal and asked her to marry him. As the Ziya she is required to marry an Asian which Mack is not.

Star is white and is only the temporary ruler until her half-brother Stephen’s sons are old enough to take over. Since Stephen’s boys are very young, she takes her position very seriously and does everything she can for Singii. Star has found who she believes is the perfect man for her, Jay Tinnie, she loves him but isn’t in love with him, but Jay turns her down.

Jay cares for Star but he won’t reveal why he can’t marry her; he has a secret that he won’t reveal. Mack sees the handwriting on the wall and knows that it is time to break the deal they have and move on, he knows she must marry, and he knows it will never be him. Mack will request a transfer; he is an agent and works with Shell Oil since the oil was discovered on Singii and he is proficient in languages.

While Star keeps pushing Jay to marry her Mack is working on moving on. She knows that Mack is going to leave but begs him to do two favors for her, find out who her biological father was and get information on Jay and his refusal to marry her. Mack can’t say no to her and agrees.

Mack is jealous of Jay and wants to put a stop to his possible relationship with Star maybe

He will find something in his search to put an end to it.

Mack finds the answers and must weigh whether to reveal them or just let it go. As a small country Singii is working at getting its independence with Star counting on Mack to help.

She loves Mack and misses him when he isn’t with her, but she has no choice her people will not accept a foreigner so it will take some innovative thinking to solve the problem.

So much political wheeling and dealing, sex, surprises and secrets. Mack and Star are trapped by her position, but everything is for the good of Singii.

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