RELEASE DAY REVIEW: A Victorian Demon’s Guide to London, Love, and Being a Hero: A Time for Monsters Romance- S.C. Principale

A Victorian Demon's Guide to London, Love, and Being a Hero Book Cover A Victorian Demon's Guide to London, Love, and Being a Hero
S.C. Principale
Monster Romance

Amazon Link: Amazon

When Jack is summoned into the mortal world by a spell that goes wrong, he figures he’ll see why all the demons down below rave about London. Despite his horns, pointed ears, and a few more noticeable “attributes,” he slides seamlessly through a human city teeming with filth, corruption, and vice.

London is all any demon could want, especially with such a plentiful food supply. Tasty little morsels practically throw themselves into Jack’s arms, only to realize too late that they’ve made a mistake—until Polly lands in his lap and changes everything.

Polly has always worked hard in Mr. Bunson’s Home for Unwanted Urchins. When he allows her to remain even after she’s grown, Polly assumes her cheerful spirit and hard work have earned his favor. But when he presses her for favors of an entirely different sort, Polly flees. Hopeless and helpless, a dark stranger comes to her aid, removing the threat in a most… unusual manner. Not only does he save her life—he offers her a new one.

Jack’s not sure what happened. One minute, he was dining on a plump specimen and picking up a charming young lady for dessert, and the next—Polly was sweeping his attic flat, scrubbing his floors, and off to the market to do his shopping. Full enough to watch and wait, Jack finds that Polly feeds something else—his curiosity. While the rest of London watches in (warranted) terror for sightings of the so-called “Spring-Heeled Jack,” Polly is busy touting him as a hero. Shockingly, Jack thinks she may even be falling in love with him.

Love? That’s something neither Polly nor Jack have ever experienced first-hand. Is it really as simple as being unable to imagine your life without the other person? Can it really change your entire life? Polly seems to think so, and Jack? Well, he doesn’t know what to think. Good thing he has Polly—his guide to London, love, and being a hero.

Monsters have always existed. They walk amongst us or live in the shadows. Hungering. Craving. Looking for love. Are you ready to meet these swoon-worthy specters and creatures of the night? It’s time for monsters…

Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Amazon Link: Amazon

In 1880 London three misguided men call for a demon picturing controlling it to help with robberies but Jack the demon laughed at them while he ate them.
A year later he met Polly, a girl who lived in a home for unwanted urchins. Polly is 20 and when the owner of the home tries to touch her, she runs. She manages to be saved by Jack who is full after eating the owner of the home and decides to eat Polly for breakfast.
Polly is happy to become Jack’s housekeeper, and he decides to keep her for a while. It is now a year after Jack was first summoned and calls himself Jack Springton. Polly is twenty and is happy to have a room to live in without a reference, without little learning and knows that Jack Killed Brunson the owner of the home.
Jack finds herself liking Polly and insists she sit and eat with him; he allows her to bathe and has her own room and although there is something about Jack that she doesn’t understand she is not afraid of him.
Jack decides he wants Polly to stay, he gets her new clothes and insists she is a Lady something she refuses to allow him to believe but believe he does. He finally touches her sexually and unlike running away from Brunson who tried she lets Jack and finds herself enjoying it.
Jack continues eating humans and taking whatever he wants. His feelings for Polly grow and he tries to make her happy while satisfying his sexual desires. When Polly reveals the hardships the children at the home suffer, he brings half a cow, so they have food to eat. He also brings fabric for the children to make clothes. Unfortunately, someone is after them and they must be careful.
Jack is truly a monster but a monster that learns he has a heart and love. There are surprises, sex, and it was a time when the poor suffered severely especially the children.

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