RELEASE DAY REVIEW: Finding Safe Harbor – Rugged Coast #2 – Andrew Grey

Finding Safe Harbor Book Cover Finding Safe Harbor
Rugged Coast #2
Andrew Grey
MM Romance
Andrew Grey Books

Amazon Link: amazon

Sometimes what you start takes longer than you thought to finish.

DEA contractor Thorsen Magnus thought he caught the big fish, but in the end it led nowhere. Now, four months later, he is still trying to get the rest of the meth operation in the Mendocino area. And it’s proving almost as frustrating as most of the relationships in his life have been. The one major exception there, and bright spot, is his new partner, Michael.

Michael Constantine left his father’s employment to start his own architecture firm. But the family has a way of not letting go, especially with his father’s business in trouble and his brother implicated in Thorsen’s investigation.

With his case stalled and his boss threatening to pull the plug, Thorsen needs to find a lead, and fast. While not happy about it, and against his protective instincts, he enlists Michael’s help, and together they manage to get things back on track. But the leads they uncover could expose them to more danger than either of them imagined.

Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Amazon Link: amazon

We first met Thorsen Magnus and Michael Constantine in book one, Chasing Safe Harbor where they were successful in stopping an avenue to smuggle Meth. That only slowed down the drug dealers because now they are back in business and Thor is assigned to find them.

Thor and Michael are now living together and more in love than ever, Michael left his father’s company and opened his own, and since moving out he has become closer to his brother Peter who also left his father to start his own business.

Michael refuses to sit back while Thor is in danger and insists on accompanying him while he investigates various possibilities for drug activity. Once again, a phone call to Peter to rent one of his boats will change the direction of investigation.

If Thor can put an end to the drugs in his town Michael worries that he will be sent somewhere else and will leave, it is a worry that he tries hard to put out of his mind, but it never stops lingering. He knows that Thor loves him, but his job is an extension of him, and he will be unable to give it up.

A mistake by Thor’s boss will put an arrow on Peter’s back so it becomes necessary to find a way to set a trap and hope for the best.

Another wonderful story by a wonderful author. Mr. Grey always manages to get my attention from the start of the book to the end, which usually means a late-night reading.

It isn’t necessary to read book one but why miss out on the beginning of Thor and Michael’s story.

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