RELEASE DAY-REVIEW: Head Over Heels- Andrew Grey

Head Over Heels Book Cover Head Over Heels
Andrew Grey
Sports Romance, Gay Romance
Andrew Grey Books
April 16, 2024
It took a family loss to draw artist Leddy Finster away from his retreat in the woods of rural Wisconsin back to the family home in Carlisle. Originally intending to help clean out his father’s condo and return to the peace and quiet his work requires, he doesn’t expect old feelings for his brother’s best friend to bloom again after all this time. Nor could he ever have expected his father’s obsession with shoes… lots of shoes.

Professional hockey player Johan Weiss spends his summers in Carlisle, where he grew up. As a favor, he agrees to help Leddy clean out his father’s condo and get it ready to be sold. Working together, they list the hundreds of pairs of shoes for sale, getting reacquainted while their mutual teenage crushes renew into full-on attraction that they each try to resist.

Johan’s life is busy between his home in Carlisle and his place in Philadelphia with the hockey team, while Leddy believes he needs quiet and solitude to work at his best. Their needs seem incompatible with each other, but Johan demonstrates that he’s able to make room for Leddy as well as provide inspiration Leddy never expected. All Leddy has to do is decide if home is the woods or where his heart is.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Leddy Finster is an artist who ran from the city to a cabin in Wisconsin where he is totally alone. Leddy is a man who found the noise of the city and the chaos of multiple people around him hard to deal with and it interfered with his art. Now he must return to Carlisle to deal with his father’s death and help to take care of his affairs, clean out his condo and handle his memorial along with his brother Aaron.

Leddy didn’t see his father often but spoke to him almost every day but now guilt is setting in over all the things he didn’t say or do for him. The first night he is staying in the condo he is visited by his brother’s best friend, Johan Weiss the first man Leddy had a crush on. Johan has had feelings for Leddy for years but how can he be in a relationship with his best friend’s younger brother.

With Johan’s help Leddy clears out the condo and learns a few things about his father that he never knew, i.e. the tons of sneakers he collected some still new in boxes, another thing he must take care of. At Johan’s suggestion the sneakers are put up on the internet for sale and it is amazing how many people are willing to pay for them.

Johan is a professional hockey player and is due to meet up with some of his teammates for practice and Leddy agrees to accompany him for a few days. The time they spend together proves that the feelings each had for the other are still alive and well and the only problem is Leddy’s refusal to move back to the city.

A beautiful story about a man who can’t survive away from his cabin and the man that wants him and must accept the only relationship he can have. Of course, love is a very strong emotion and not easily brushed aside, so Leddy and Johan may get the HEA they both want.

I have loved every Carlisle book Mr. Grey has written so I hope this is just the first in what will be a new series, fingers crossed.

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