Paranormal Romance, Gay Romance
JMS Books
September 7th, 2024
Jordan Major is a hit man, an assassin. Call him what you will, he kills people for pay. Soon after his most recent foray, he comes downstairs one morning to find a man he vaguely recognizes in the main room of his virtually impenetrable house. A man, he quickly learns, he killed two years previously.
Craig, now a ghost, wants to know who hired Jordan to murder him.
What they find out and how they deal with the information will, potentially, set Jordan on a new course. One where he's willing to take out people who deserve his attention, not innocents he’s been hired to kill.
At least that's what Craig hopes as he tries to persuade Jordan there are worse things in life than giving up his very lucrative, if highly illegal, occupation. After all, he has his antique store, which brings in more money than he really needs, given what he's stashed in an off-shore bank account.
Then NOPD detective Kirk Ireland enters the picture and Jordan's life changes again.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Jordan Major is a high-priced hitman who loves his job. He also owns a high-end antique store that caters to the rich and famous. Always careful with an extensive security system he is shocked when he arrives home one night to find a man standing in his home. This is no ordinary man this is one of Jordan’s victims and a ghost.
Craig Gibson was murdered by Jordan and now he wants to find out who ordered his hit. When he discovers it was his boyfriend’s brother, he is determined to see him dead. He wants to hire Jordan, but his price is too high. As a ghost able to enter places invisible he can easily steal the money, but the money will not go through walls.
Craig decided he wanted to do the murder, and he does disappearing leaving Jordan to believe he followed the light. Wrong Craig returns determined to save Jordan and get him to give up his life as a hitman. Craig is almost successful when a new hit comes through and Jordan researches the man who hires him and discovers he is a liar and the man he wants killed is an innocent.
Now Jordan questions what he has been doing, how many innocent people has he killed because he didn’t care. The man who hired him is now on his hit list and sure that he did everything right when he killed the man, he is shocked when he gets a visit from Kirk Ireland from NOPD.
Kirk has a photo of Jordan committing the crime and now his well-ordered, secure life is about to end. Everything he has worked for is about to end only meeting Kirk would change his life forever.
Craig is determined to stand by Jordan and be there through it all. He hopes that this will be the point where Jordan gives up his career as an assassin but will it.
Craig is a wonderful partner for Jordan able to enter places unseen and get information. Now with the appearance of Kirk it may be too late for Jordan to give up killing or is it.
Craig brought light to what could have been a dark story about a hitman, and he did bring a smile to my face.
Surprises, secrets, and wonderful characters. It isn’t often you can say that a book about a hitman is a fun read, but this one was.