RELEASE DAY REVIEW: Kill Me Sweetly – (Saint Brothers Book 2) – Davidson King

Kill Me Sweetly Book Cover Kill Me Sweetly
(Saint Brothers Book 2)
Davidson King
mm Suspense

Amazon Link: amazon

Sometimes reality is the nightmare you must conquer.


JJ has a good life. One where he lives with the people he loves, gets to work in Saintly Sweets with his delicious boyfriend, and takes things a day at a time. Of course, that is until he comes across a broken boy so lost in a nightmare, he vows to do everything he can to help him wake from it.

There’s nothing Shepard Saint won’t do for his JJ. Even help him figure out how to save someone that may be lost to the darkness. He knows this won’t be easy, and the deeper they go, the harder it becomes to climb out.

Shep, JJ, and the rest of the Saint brothers find themselves knee deep in the worst of humanity as they try to save a lot more than they bargained for. Saving people is something Shep and JJ are born to do, but when the enemy tries to destroy everything they love, they almost lose themselves to the evils of the world. Can the love they have for each other be enough to make it out alive or have they finally met an enemy far too powerful?

Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Amazon Link: amazon

This is the second book in the series and the first one I read. Although I didn’t read book one, it did not stand in my way of loving this one.

Jaxon (JJ) is living with the Saint Brothers and he and Shepard Saint are lovers. The bakery Saintly Sweets is successful but much more than just a bakery. The Saints are determined to help anyone who needs it, and they stop at nothing to achieve that goal. While JJ was on his way to get some supplies for the bakery, he sees a young man with filthy clothes and blood on him and he refuses to let the boy go without helping him.

JJ’s help would put the group in the line of fire, but it doesn’t matter to JJ the boy needs help and that is what they do. They can’t get a word out of the boy until they feed him some cookies, then he tells them his name is Four and allows them to shower him and change his clothes.

When they think they are making headway with Four he leaves to complete his assignment, killing a man who the Alabastrine Consortium has found guilty. The man is innocent and helps give them some much needed information. Four does not make an attempt on the man’s life again since his orders were to do it at his home.

JJ gets very attached to Four and slowly he gains his trust. With Four’s help they begin to see what kind of organization they are fighting and what they do. They adopt children whose families don’t want them or from adoption agencies and make them into killers, mindless killers who do what they are told and Four is one of them and he is wanted.

While trying to get information on the Consortium and keeping Four from being found they know they are going against big money and power but their pledge to help others is first and foremost in their minds. With the help of a therapist Four begins to reveal more and more about his life and it is heartbreaking.

Spies are everywhere and they have to be one step ahead of them, which is not always easy. Young girls are being taken to the “Pink House” or as the men call the house of horrors. If the Consortium is not stopped more young lives will be subject to the horrors Four was put through.

The subject matter is hard to deal with, but it is the Saint’s and their partners who right the wrongs. The torture the children go through is not explicit but just enough to make you hurt for them.

Monsters exist, we just have to listen to the news to know about monsters who prey on the innocent and young.

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