Must Love Dogs #3
Gay Romance, Contemporary Romance, LGBTQ Romance
Dreamspinner Press
Jan 3, 2023
Everyone needs to be rescued sometimes.
As a vet tech, Daniel is usually first in line to come to animals’ aid. When he and his boss get a call about an animal hoarding situation, they expect the handful of badly treated dogs… but the tiger comes as a surprise.
Wes recently left his job to care for his sick mother. Now that she’s on the mend, he needs work, and he finds it at a bustling shelter. But the animals aren’t the only ones in need. His kind, chatty coworker Daniel is dealing with an abusive boyfriend—something Wes, whose father was an alcoholic, has experience handling. Wes steps up to help Daniel kick his boyfriend to the curb, but in the process, he finds himself falling for Daniel himself.
Navigating a new relationship when they both have traumatic pasts is one thing. But when a shady group starts targeting the tiger they are trying to find a zoo placement for, the stakes are raised even higher. Can Wes and Daniel come together to rescue the animals—and each other?
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Today is December 25, Christmas Day and I was given an early release of this book. What a perfect gift, Merry Christmas to me.
Daniel Jackson is a vet tech working at the West Carlisle Clinic owned by Mitchell who we met in book one. Mitchell has had a wonderful life since we last met him, his clinic, his partner Beau, his daughter Jessica and his shelter where he takes in dogs with the hope of finding them a forever home. Daniel hopes to one day be a veterinarian but is waiting for a program to accept him in the meantime he gives his love and attention to all the animals that come into the clinic or are housed in the shelter.
A phone call from the police about a hoarding of animals will put Mitchell in a difficult situation, tortoise, snakes, dogs and a tiger. He has no problem sheltering the snakes, tortoise and dogs but what is he to do with a tiger. Daniel is fascinated with Raj, the name he gave to the tiger, and worries about his care and his future, a future hopefully at a zoo not in a cage.
Weston Greenwood has come to apply for a job at the shelter, he has returned home to care for his mother stricken with cancer. Mitchell is impressed with Wes’ attention to the dogs and hires him on the spot. Wes is a man who has had a rough life, an alcoholic abusive father who till this day still effects his life despite him being long gone. He has retreated inside his mind only envisioning a future lacking happiness until he met Daniel a man dealing with an abusive boyfriend and always expecting the worst in life.
Caring for all the new animals proves a challenge but a challenge Daniel, Wes and Mitchell gladly take on. Wes helps Daniel deal with his abusive boyfriend Yan, but unfortunately, he is not a man willing to give up what he believes is his. Dealing with Yan, the return of Wes’ abusive father wanting to make amends, and someone determined to kidnap dogs for dog fighting and the tiger for a new sport, gladiatorial fighting man against beast will take everyone’s full time and attention.
As Wes and Daniel find themselves falling for each other they are busy trying to protect all the animals, Wes’ mom and trying to overcome their fears of their relationship failing like all the others in their pasts. Their priority is protecting the dogs and tigers, which is not easy since they know they are up against a group determined to get what they want.
I loved this book the characters are wonderful; well Wes and Daniel are but I am referring to Reverend and Buster two dogs who were blessed when they were found by Mitchell and then the two humans who would love them. Mr. Grey made me feel the pain that Reverend felt, a dog so abused mentally and physically that he would never come out of his corner fearing what would happen to him. Only Wes’ patience and love were able to make this wounded dog find safety and joy.
So many wounded humans and animals in this story all deserving of love and a happily ever after but will they get it with so many humans determined to keep it from them. It never surprises me the horrors that humans can do to humans and animals, but sometimes good people win.