Embrace the Fear# 3- The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 Anthology
Heavy Metal Bands, MM Romance, Rockstar Romance Anthology, Rocktoberfest 2023
Sapphire Publishing
Nov 3, 2023
Lynden Alan Ackerman the third, aka, Seltzer – don’t ask how he got the nickname, his younger sister is still traumatized over the whole incident. Seltzer, the lead guitarist for the band Embrace the Fear was caught in a compromising position with the younger brother of the not so happy drummer from the mega band, Social Sinners, Diamond.
“Don’t poke the bear,” Stoli, lead guitarist for Social Sinners and Seltzer’s mentor warns while moving Seltzer out of Diamond’s reach. But being the jokester was Seltzer’s MO, though Diamond’s growls and clenched fists should’ve been a sign to back off.
Jeremiah Taylor grips his brother’s bicep while he and Diamond’s husband Easton do their best to calm the beast. Was the hook up with Seltzer worth it? Yes, and no.
Though this wasn’t their first time…
Seltzer's Taylor is a book in the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for. Kick back, load up your kindle and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
This is another great addition to the multi-author series Road to Rocktoberfest 2023. This is the third book in the Embrace the Fear series, and it was fun to catch up with so many of the rockers I have read about in previous books.
This is Jeremiah and Seltzer’s story. Seltzer got his nickname because of his sister, and I won’t go into all the details about what happened. All the bands managed by Masterman Management, Embrace the Fear, Social Sinners and Maiden Voyage are attending the wedding of Rhone and Ely when Seltzer managed to upset everybody. He and Diamond’s younger brother Jeremiah were caught in a very compromising position and now his band brothers are angry with him, and Diamond just wants to kill him.
Diamond and Jeremiah’s father was abusive and now Diamond is determined to protect his younger brother and Seltzer is one of the things he wants to protect him from. The last thing he wants is for Jeremiah to be with a rocker someone who is on the road most of the time and a man who he is convinced is incapable of real love.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder proves true for Seltzer because the more he is away from Jeremiah the more he begins to think about him, Jeremiah always thought about Seltzer and wanted a relationship with him. Diamond and Easton are married and that is what Jeremiah dreams about having one day, he lives with them but is lonely.
Easton’s father, Sal owns Masterson Management and Easton is the manager. Sal is also married to Diamond and Jeremiah’s mother. No job, no boyfriend so Jeremiah takes the initiative to write up a prospectus on why he should work for Easton. He is willing to learn and knows that Easton’s workload is huge and could use an assistant. The job is his and in his new job he would travel with the bands.
Since the fiasco at the wedding Seltzer and Jeremiah have not spoken but when Seltzer’s grandmother who practically raised him and his sister died Jeremiah called him to extend his condolences. It was at that moment Seltzer knew he needed Jeremiah by his side to give him the support he needs, support he did not want from anyone else. At the funeral Seltzer wouldn’t let go of his hand and he knew that he wanted Jeremiah in his life. Now he just had to convince Diamond not to kill him and accept his and Jeremiah’s relationship.
Seltzer has his work cut out for him in getting his band family and Jeremiah’s family to accept he is a changed man and while he tries to prove himself, he refuses to be away from Jeremiah.
Rockers, sex, and love. Seltzer’s parents are alive but never put their kids ahead of whatever scientific experiment they were working on now he has a family stronger than blood. Every time I read one of the books in this series, I am in awe of the work these bands put in, long hours, constant travel and never able to go for a simple dinner without being surrounded by paparazzi and fans. All TL Travis’ rocker books are wonderful so if you are not familiar with them there is no better time than now!!!!!