RELEASE DAY -REVIEW: Throuple Next Door- Andrew Grey

Throuple Next Door Book Cover Throuple Next Door
Andrew Grey
Gay Romance, Small Town Romance
June 18, 2024


Austin knew change was inevitable, but he hadn’t counted on just how difficult it was going to be… for all of them. He, Weaver, and Randy have been together for two amazingly hot years, and then with a single decision, everything is different. When Randy receives an offer on his gyms in Brooklyn, he jumps at it and switches careers with a teaching job in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Weaver is also interested in making a change after nearly burning himself out as a lawyer. With both of his passionate partners needing something new and Austin’s modeling career cooling as he ages, the three of them decide to relocate from New York to Carlisle. Randy settles into his new position, and Weaver easily lands on his feet, but Austin wonders how he is going to fit into their new world.

Austin knows he has the support of the men he loves, and who love him, but he needs to pull his weight. With very few prospects, what could small-town life hold for him? Randy and Weaver have their special way to make him forget, but it will take more than love and hot sex for the throuple next door to start the next chapter in their lives.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Austin, Weaver and Randy are partners living in New York until Weaver decided to give up his partnership at a law firm and Randy sold his gyms. Austin was a fashion model but now at thirty his career is behind him. With all these changes the three decided to give up their apartment in New York and relocate to Carlisle, Pa.

Both Randy and Weaver have new careers. They are looking forward to a new start and Randy bought a house for them without the other two seeing it. Austin is the only one of the threesome with no job prospects and Randy and Weaver are worried about him. Randy is a professor at Dickinson College while Weaver found a teaching position using his knowledge of the law.

Randy and Weaver were together six years, and it has been three years since Austin joined them.It was Austin that completed them. Now Austin has taken on the job of arranging the house, putting Randy and Weaver to work on various projects he has assigned them.

When their new neighbors knock on their door to introduce themselves it turns out to be none other than Andrew Grey and his husband Dominic, a very pleasant surprise to this reviewer. The guys have been blessed to live in a neighborhood where their lifestyle is accepted, and they are welcome to join in the neighborhood get togethers.

While Randy and Weaver are enjoying their new career paths Austin is lost. His partners are concerned about him and would do anything in their powers to help but unfortunately all they can offer is their support and love and Austin holds on to that.

This was a totally different type of book I have read from Mr. Grey and having him, and his husband Dominic be part of the story was a welcome bonus. As always, this story was filled with love and unexpected surprises.

If you are a fan of Andrew Grey, then this book is a must read. Different story line and being part of the story is both exciting and interesting. No doubt in real life Andrew Grey and his husband Dominic are truly the kind of neighbors one would hope for.

I congratulate Mr. Grey on his ability to write a book about a threesome and make it all about love. Three is just one more to love and you can’t have enough love in your life.


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