Serendipity Book 1
The Wild Rose Press, Inc
July 21, 2017

Dan Rothberg struggled after an accident killed his wife and he nearly lost custody of his daughter. He can no longer allow himself to get attached to anything or anyone. Until he meets Hannah.
Hannah Cohen is a young executive with a meddlesome grandmother and a troubled brother. She’d like nothing better than to find her own Mr. Right, after too many Mr. Wrongs. A sexy older man with a teenage daughter was never in her plans.
As they navigate their relationship through adolescent attitudes and grandmotherly interference, they realize age is just a number and love can be right in front of them. But when the terrible truth of Dan’s former struggles is exposed, Hannah must decide if she can get past his deception and allow love to conquer all.
Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Twenty-seven year old Hannah Cohen has not found the right man and never expected that the man laying on the floor with grey hair and a young teenage daughter would eventually become involved in his life.
When the man rose up with a cane in hand she was shocked to see a gorgeous man who was definitely older than her but not old. Dan Rothberg is a thirty-nine year old forensic accountant who lost his wife almost eight years ago in a car accident. Dan suffered severe leg injury which to this day still causes him great pain.
The second time the two met was by a hot dog stand and although they didn’t exchange phone numbers a little searching on Dan’s part was all it took to find hers. Their first date was lunch and it would lead to others. Dan’s daughter Tess is fifteen and Hannah includes her in everything.
Hannah lives with her grandmother, a Jewish woman who believes eating solves everything, I know I grew up with one of my own. The one problem Hannah has with her grandmother is her acceptance of Hannah’s older brother Jeff who is a drug addict and Hannah is unwilling to forgive or give him another chance something grandma is more than willing to do. When she confesses to Dan her thoughts about her brother and her feelings that once an addict always an addict he realizes that his secrets are best not shared with her.
This book touches on the ever present crisis of opioid addiction and whether there is a second chance for those once addicted. Dan believes that eliminating everything from his life that he likes other than his daughter is the best way to handle his past. Unfortunately, giving up everything including a simple aspirin or chocolate because you love it is not the way to handle addiction. He has to learn to live and not run away from everything that means something which is what is is willing to do where Hannah is concerned. His feelings for her are becoming addictive but giving her up is not the answer.
Can Hannah accept his past? Can she accept that people can change? This is a great book with amazing characters and it is a book that would benefit teenagers as well as adults who have faced addiction or relatives with addiction, there is always a chance for redemption but it takes accepting help from others.