Zyrgin Warriors Book 5
Sci Fi-Romance
Black Opal Books
June 9, 2018

In a bleak future, where government systems are breaking down and poverty and violence reign, on an abandoned farm in Montana, Susannah had a simple plan. She’d capture an alien, sell him to the resistance, and use the money to save her son.
Instead, Susannah had an arrogant alien trapped in a pit who acted as if she was the prisoner. He wanted to kill her dog and insisted she should care for the wound he sustained when he fell into the pit she dug to trap him. On top of that, she had no way to know if the resistance got her message. Every day that passed, she doubted her decision to hand Azagor over to the resistance.
But her son, her baby, was being held by people who considered him unclean because he was conceived out of wedlock—and time was running out.
Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Earth’s government system is breaking down and left the population in a state of poverty and violence. Susannah lives on an abandoned farm in Montana with only her little teacup yorkie Killer for company. She was once part of a religious cult led by a man named Joseph and because of her black hair and slanted eyes courtesy of her grandmother who was from Japan she was constantly abused. When she became pregnant out of wedlock her baby was taken out of her arms and she was left by herself but only after she was stripped naked, whipped and put into a pit for two weeks.
Alone and with barely enough food her only thought is to find and rescue her son Noah but that takes money and her plan is to capture and sell an alien to the Resistance. She successfully manages to get an alien to fall into the pit but is quite unaware of the fact that everything that is happening was his plan and not hers. It was four years ago that this same alien appeared before her and she was sure she was looking at a demon, red eyes, a horn and green skin and revealing his appearance just brought more pain to her.
Azagor is a Zyrgin Warrior and four years ago he saw Susannah and decided that she would be his breeder their term for wife. He even dug the pit every night to make it deeper and pushed a wooden stake through his own shoulder to gain her sympathy. He was convinced that once she saw him hurt she would want to help him but it was only after Killer fell into the pit and Susannah was convinced he would eat her dog that she helped him out and cared for him, none of which was necessary.
When he saw her scars and realized the torture she was subjected to he was determined to kill every one that hurt his breeder. When she confessed that she needed to sell him to get enough money to find her son, although she did not reveal who he truly is but claimed he was her cousin he agreed to help her. He knows that Susannah is totally unaware of anything outside of the farm and he has a lot to teach her but he is willing to take as much time as necessary to bring her up to date. He even accepts Killer who he is convinced is a rat.
The Zyrgin on Earth are slowly cloning and reintroducing animals to the land but it will be a long time before it becomes what it once was. With Azagor’s promise to help find Noah and his promise to give her anything she wants she agrees to go with him to his home. Her feelings for him begin to grow but finding her son is primary and could mean the difference between Azagor and her remaining together. Zyrgin Warriors do not take other males into their homes especially one that is human.
This was a wonderful story about love between two totally different beings, a human and an alien and it was a story that proved that sometimes an alien could be more humane than a human especially after it is revealed what was done to any woman and child who did not live up to the cults beliefs.