Tunrian Cyborgs Book 2
Romance, Science Fiction
Marie Dry
Nov 29, 2021
A marriage with a mission!
That’s what cyborg Anatu keeps telling herself. Volunteering to marry the human president of Earth, John Davies, was a sacrifice she was willing to make in order to convince this president to use his army to war against the clones fighting alongside the cyborgs. But after the wedding, Anatu has her own battle, the surprising attraction she feels to John. Each day—and every night—he seduces her without committing his troops to fight against the cyborgs. She needs to stay focused on her assignment, but her new husband makes her organic heart beat a little faster, especially when he treats her with such kindness. It was too much hope this human could care for her. Because when it comes down to the choice between her and saving his human race, how will John ever choose his alien wife?
Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild
The second book in the series and I loved it at much as the first. One of my least favorite genres is Sci-Fi but every once in a while, a sci-fi series comes along that hooks me and this is one of them.
Human president, John Davies tried sending a human woman to infiltrate the cyborgs but unfortunately, she fell in love with the leader Balthazar and refused to supply John with any information that could harm them. Now he is preparing for his arranged marriage to a Tunrian cyborg woman and this time he hopes to get the information he needs from his new wife.
Anatu, once a slave and saved by Balthazar has volunteered to marry a human in hopes of gaining a soul and making up for something she did while enslaved on Tunria. Now she is about to marry a human and as far as she is concerned, he is her human and she is in charge. She knows very little about humans other than what she learned by using the information available to her and she realizes that she has a lot to learn especially how to make her human care for her and give her information she can relay to Balthazar and hopefully her human will reward her with a soul.
John is convinced he can seduce his new bride and learn about the cyborgs and their ship which is still circling around the planet and threatens the planet and all the humans living there. Any weakness he can learn will help him find a way to destroy his enemy. While he is determined to discover whatever he can about cyborgs Anatu is determined to do the same for Balthazar and all the cyborgs that still exist and are on the ship.
The clones are preparing for war and Balthazar is hoping to get the humans to fight alongside them. John is uncertain which side he should take, are the clones as bad as the cyborgs claim they are or would they be a better partner for humans. Even Anatu who was once the slave to a clone can’t totally convince him. He has a planet that depends on him and a wife that he is beginning to care for and any attempt to go against the cyborgs would totally destroy her
As the relationship between Anatu and John grows there is still distrust between them each wanting to protect their own people. This was a book that any sci-fi fan would love, I already explained that I am not a fan and I loved it. Romance, betrayal, distrust, secrets, lies and mistakes on both sides and all the while lives depend on John and Baltazar to find a way to work together against a common enemy. Anatu was a wonderful character and it was fun watching as she tried to come to terms with living among humans