PsyCop Book 11
MM Romance Urban Fantasy
January 20, 2020

There’s a new drug on the streets called Kick. The side effects are so brutal, most folks only try it once…unless they’re psychic. Then they do it until it kills them.
Psychic medium Victor Bayne is well acquainted with pharmaceuticals, from the Auracel that blocks his ghosts to the Seconal that offers him a blissful nights’ sleep. But he’s managed to steer clear of street drugs…so far.
Jacob Marks has a medicine cabinet filled with every over-the-counter remedy known to man, but none of them are doing much for his mood—and his long, fruitless days of combing through records at The Clinic are taking a heavy toll.
But their lackluster investigation does have one silver lining: a front row seat at The Clinic when the first Kick overdose comes in. And as scary as the drug might be, if it truly does augment psychic ability, the appeal is not lost on Vic.
Because the very first hit never killed anyone.
Where did Kick come from? Why is it so addictive? And why is everyone at The Clinic acting so darn shady? That’s what Vic intends to find out. And if he’s lucky, he can also expose a shadowy figure from Camp Hell.
Unfortunately, the demons of his pill addiction might prove just as deadly as his long-buried history. He thought he’d managed to ditch that pernicious habit. But what if it was only lurking in the shadows, waiting for the best time to rear its ugly head?
PsyCop is an ongoing series filled with supernatural action and delightfully awkward humor—with a steady undercurrent of gay romance. It’s best read in order, so if you’re new to the series, start with PsyCop #1, Among the Living…and prepare for a hauntingly good read.
Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer & Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
PsyCop is an ongoing series filled with supernatural action and delightfully awkward humor—with a steady undercurrent of gay romance. It’s best read in order, so if you’re new to the series, start with PsyCop #1, Among the Living…and prepare for a hauntingly good read.
Oh Jordan Price,,,,,I am sooo glad I took your advice all those years ago……I am a stalker…following you!!!
In our newest book #11 Bitter Pill, Victor and Jacob are now professional partners having to work on a case together. Drugs are hitting the street called Kick. I loved the way their relationship has grown, they now speak in couple speak. They also can eye speak!
Jordan Price knows how in 11 books to grow her characters and has figured out a system for knowing her readers feel it too. Vic is growing into his own as a detective, and lovingly he is still the same Vic in a prettier suit and we love him for it. Jordan lets the story go, and we have visits of past people and ghosts that have been in Vic’s world.
I think Jackie being back was wonderful and I loved seeing her with some closure.
One of the top reads of this series I think…..errr sorry do I always say this?????