M/M Horror, Paranormal
JCP Books, LLC
April 21, 2015

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
For this the second box set in this series, once again I must preface my review to explain a bit of how Jordan has gone about writing this series. In the first set, Channeling Morpheus for Scary Mary, there were 5 novellas which began our story of Michael and Wild Bill. This second set is the next 5 again each story ending and picking up in the next. Below is my review of books 6-10.
Brazen: Begins where we left off with our two guys ‘back on the road again’. It is July, and they are enjoying fireworks on a beautiful clear summer night. Content, Bill is lying on the roof of the van waiting for the show to begin, when Michael ‘mentions’ maybe they should spice up their sex life and add a third to their relationship. The reader chuckles as we remember the first time they tried that which didn’t end well for the third. Here we meet Damien for a quick bite.
Snare: Brings us back to Michael’s home town and his family. He wants to retrieve his leather jacket which he left there last visit. His Mom gives him a cell phone, his first, and Bill agrees he should keep it. Michael wants to track a vampire. He thinks is mutating and they contact Dr. Jim for help. The visits made this story lighter, Ms. Price knows how to pace these novellas for the angst factor and POV for the reader’s enjoyment.
Fluid: Being told in Bills POV, this is one of my favorite stories of this series. Michael and Wild Bill are sort of living in Milwaukee. They have had a place for over a month, and Michael even has a part time job in an all-night vet clinic. Seems like they are settling down—and then Jordan veers off and takes you to an artsy show where a girl is on the table covered in spread and surrounded in crackers. They are asked to pose for the owner and what a show they give him. Hot steamy sex in front of the camera, and a pint of his blood to go. A lady vamp heads out with a human, and Michael wants to follow to make sure the human is safe. Of course, against all of his fears Wild Bill follows to protect Michael. It ends with another surprise to the reader. Wild Bill, I don’t like deep water either.
Swarm: OMG did I say Fluid was my Favorite? Swarm beat it! Through Michael’s POV we travel deep under the city of Milwaukee so Wild Bill can share some of his art work with Michael, and oh boy, this is truly a horror story. They are surrounded by the Vampire elite of Milwaukee, and Michael looks like a tasty tidbit.
Elixir: Best ending eva! I couldn’t ask for anything else, except to have more. However, if a series had to end, I was content. We did see that Wild Bill would go to the moon and back for Michael. The scenes getting away from the underground vampire community unscathed, they thought, with Silk only giving Michael a tattoo. The results were not what they expected, and now we see Wild Bill’s love for Michael, bringing him to Vampire Dr. Jim whom he did not trust all thru the books to try the last resort to save his love.
Again, I must conclude my respect and admiration for this talented young lady. The series is a work of art. This is a must read for paranormal, horror, and romance fans.