REVIEW: Blood of the Pack – Dark Ink Tattoo #1 – Cassie Alexander

Blood of the Pack Book Cover Blood of the Pack
Dark Ink Tattoo #1
Cassie Alexander
Bi-sexual Vampire Romance
Caskara Press

Amazon Link: amazon

She’s a wolf backed into a corner.
He’s a vampire on a tight leash.

Angela: I know fear well. It’s had me looking over my shoulder since the day I ran from The Pack, Nevada’s most dangerous werewolf motorcycle gang. I’ve had seven years to build a life and my tattoo parlor with the help of my best artist, Jack. But I’m living on borrowed time. My ex-boyfriend may still be in prison, but that won’t stop him from getting what he wants — our son.

Jack: I want her, I crave her, but I can never have her. So I wait and watch from the shadows. But when a friend is murdered by the same gang that’s threatening Angela, I vow that they will never touch her. Their blood will be mine first.

Welcome to Dark Ink Tattoo, where needles aren't the only things that bite.

Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Amazon Link: amazon

Angela is a werewolf and owner of Dark Ink Tattoos a twenty-four-hour tattoo parlor in vegas. Angela has spent seven years living in fear that her ex-boyfriend, the leader of an MC gang, Gray will discover that he is the father of her son. Gray is serving two life sentences, but his control of his gang is still very powerful.

Jack is an artist working for Angela and he is a vampire, something few are aware of. He wants Angela but it is an impossible dream. He uses sex to feed his hunger, and Bella is a girl he has been with frequently. When he discovers that Bella has been murdered, he is determined to kill anyone responsible.

Secrets, something Angela and Jack are aware of because they have many. Jack being a vampire and Angela being a werewolf are just a few. Angela has a boyfriend, Mark, who she knows she must break off from since he has no idea of the danger he is in from Gray and the gang. He also has his share of secrets.

Angela has never told her son Rabbit who his father is or that he will one day find himself howling at the moon, so she gives him silver to hopefully keep that from happening. When she discovers that Gray is aware of being Rabbit’s father Angela goes to Mark for help. Breaking up with him is no longer in the cards.

A broken window at the shop just reinforces Angela’s fear that Gray can get to her even from prison. Now more than ever she needs Mark’s help to keep herself and her son safe.

She is unaware of who Mark really is but who he really is works on her behalf.

Angela and Jack are both working to get free of the gang, Jack willing to kill whoever killed Bella and Angela and Mark working to keep her and her son safe from Gray. The book is told in first person by Jack and Angela and their background stories are not revealed but hopefully they will be in future books.

This book ends in a cliffhanger but there are more books coming in the series. I look forward to the other books in the series and recommend this one. There is a lot of explicit sex, secrets and surprises also a lot of unanswered questions.

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