REVIEW: Built from Ashes -The Trust Trilogy Book 3- Fox Beckman

Built from Ashes Book Cover Built from Ashes
The Trust Trilogy Book 3
Fox Beckman
Time Travel , Paranormal, Demons and Devils
NineStar Press
Apr 30, 2024



Ravi’s world has shattered. Cayenne’s dark secrets have finally come to light, and a mysterious enemy threatens to dismantle The Trust from within. Haunted by betrayal, Ravi must confront the demons of his past while battling for the future of The Trust, the fate of the world, and his own heart. But can something so broken ever truly be mended?

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Ravi is still trying to deal with what Cayenne has done while at the same time missing him. His dreams are filled with memories of their time together but after learning about Cayenne’s secrets Ravi is not able to forgive his actions.

Ravi is determined to fix the Trust making it what it should be instead of what it has become. He has revealed the fact that he is gay to his team and since Harry has received the magical weapon indicating she is the Chosen he and Harry must marry and have children. Harry is aware of Ravi’s sexual preference and has no problem with him being with men and they will use artificial insemination to have children so that part of his life is going well.

Constance is determined to find and kill the demon she accidentally released while the team is on one monster chase after another. Nate has always cared about Ravi but knows that he is still heartbroken over Cayenne so keeps his feelings hidden. It is Ravi that makes the first move longing for the comfort and security of having someone with him

Someone is working from inside the Trust to weaken it and Harry and Ravi will do whatever is necessary to ensure that doesn’t happen. While Nate and Ravi begin a relationship Cayenne is working at getting Ravi back and his attempts are not supple. The team knows that Cayenne is not to be trusted and wonders what danger he will subject them to.

Out of Cayenne’s control Ravi becomes stronger mentally not willing to hide himself and who he really is. His childhood was all training and little affection and love, now he is getting what he missed from Nate, and it is having a profound effect on him.

At a gala held to recognize Harry as the new Chosen and announce her engagement to Ravi Cayenne shows his true colors, his betrayal and determination to end the Trust and get rid of anyone who threatens his goal is deadly. It will take the entire team to put an end to Cayenne’s scheme and save everyone. Is Harry going to face the Armagedon moment she as the Chosen is expected to conquer? Can Cayenne be stopped with his power as a chronomage? This book is the final book in the series and all questions are answered.

Suspense, betrayal, lies, secrets, surprises, sex and a group of amazing characters makes this series a must read. If you love reading about heroes fighting evil, then that is exactly what you will get.

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