PsyCop Book 5
M/M Fantasy Mystery
JCP Books, LLC
October 20, 2009

Review By Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
When I opened this book, I did so with much trepidation. We have learned reading from this series is that Vic only remembers Heliotrope Station aka Camp Hell as it un-fondly named by the poor young psychics brought there to be ‘tested.’ It was a chamber of horrors. These people were under serious stress and danger while the people in charge were inhumanly unkind and some were dangerous.
Victor Bayne has been a steady voice for this series. He is a bit of a nerd, yet so unconscious of his possibilities. He was taken from an asylum where he had been placed after saying he could see ghosts. He was dropped into Camp Hell, along with a group of others who banded together to stay sane. Upon ‘graduating,’ Vic became a detective in the police department on the Odd Squad. With the help of his new lover, Jacob Marks, also a police officer who is partnered with another PsyCop, Victor is slowly coming into his own from where we met him in the first book.
It is so sweet to see the hot, sexy Jacob is so enthralled with Vic. As the sun and moon rises each day for him with the thought of making love to Vic. And Vic? Although he loves Jacob, he can’t see why Jacob is with him. Imagine that!
This story has been building. Vic had been questioning where the people he had spent all that time with have all gone. They disappeared without a trace, every one of them, including Victor himself. There is no evidence of their existence anywhere; the internet shows nothing about them or Heliotrope Station. Through Victor’s thoughts we have heard his musings about the people he had been with at Camp Hell. Now we spend some time with him reliving that experience, as well as spending time at his day job as an officer, and spending his nights in the bed of Jacob, his God.
This book was nothing to fear, it was the best of the series. You cannot go wrong starting this series, and, hopefully, enjoy Jordan’s writing as much as I am. I have a date with the next book, Ghost TV, Book 6!