Fantasy/Literature and Fiction
Independently Published
August 29, 2020

Jason Mahone was enjoying the night at his regular bar. In an instant, everything he knew about himself changed. Allison, his life-long friend, informed him of his true lineage and the power in which his bloodline possesses. The pair embarked on a journey to help Jason discover his parents' identity, as well as the potential of his abilities. Along their journey, they faced obstacles that will put their strength and loyalty to the test, ultimately leading to a destination neither of them thought possible. Chase the Meaning... This first release by upcoming author, Kenneth Weiss, will be sure to keep you guessing and wanting more.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Jason Mahone was adopted as an infant and his closest friend Allison decides it is time to reveal to him about his lineage. So at their favorite bar, over a beer she tells him that he is a Seraph like her and he is light years ahead of humans. Although Jason has been on the outs with his parents, he and Allison go to them for information on his biological parents; only to find them dead after being savagely tortured. His father lived long enough to tell him that there is a crystal hidden with a friend that will tell him everything he needs to know . This information his torturers wanted was where they could find Jason and that was something they would never reveal.
Now Allison and Jason know they are in danger and need to disappear but not before she goes to her father to ensure he is safe and warn him about what is going on. Jason has powers that unleash themselves when he and Allison find themselves confronted by a group of agents and when she is in danger his powers come out and they are deadly. Jason and Allison are about to learn the degree of power Jason has and it is far above anything she was aware of.
In 1983 Gia, Jason’s mother came through a portal from Atlantis leaving an energy pulse, a pulse Randall Jenkins tracked back to a young tourist who tried to enter the portal and got seriously injured. Jenkins threatened to kill the boy if he didn’t divulge where he found the pulse, of course the boy revealed the location and Jenkins killed him anyway. So now thirty-five years later he is still trying to gain entrance to the portal. When Andras, a Tartarian, joins forces with Jenkins promising him the world Jenkins has no other choice but to become Andras’ partner and what they need is Jason.
Andras escaped Atlantis just as it was collapsing but he needs to reenter the portal to return home and find the God’s Eye, a small stone with enormous power and in the wrong hands a deadly weapon. He needs Jason who is the only one capable of opening the portal so between Andras and Jenkins a lot of people will die in their crusade to capture Jason at all costs and no matter how many deaths.
Jason discovers who he is and who his parents were, he also discovers what his destiny is. It will take all his powers to defeat Andras and protect the world from destruction. This book at times was confusing since it went back and forth from Atlantis to the present. There were also so many editing problems that at times made reading difficult. There was romance, violence, betrayal and a surprise ending.