Review: Chasing the Dream – Andrew Grey

Chasing the Dream Book Cover Chasing the Dream
Andrew Grey
M/M Romance
Dreamspinner Press
July 11, 2016

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team

Brian Paulson lives for one thing and that is having fun and since he is rich that is exactly what he does. The night Brian got the call that his grandfather had died he had no idea how much his life would change. He had no illusion that his grandfather would leave him anything in his will and he didn’t care since his trust was more than enough for him so he invited his friends to dinner at an expensive restaurant where he was waited on by Cade McAllister a man he helped retrieve his wallet from a mugger.

When it came time for him to pay his charge card was declined, no problem he had another one only that one was declined. Cade was asked to drive home with him to get a check and even though he ate at the restaurant countless times and paid big money he was treated no different than any other patron, pay or go to jail. His declined charge cards was just the beginning because when he went to drive Cade home his car was being taken and he was told that he no longer could enter his condo. Everything Brian owned belonged to his grandfather’s trust and his grandfather stopped everything.

Now that he had no money he suddenly found he also had no friends and the only one willing to give him a place to sleep was a stranger he only knew for a few hours. It was when he walked into Cade’s apartment that Brian got to see how the other half lived. Old furniture a tiny apartment and Cade had to work two jobs just to afford that little bit.

Brian’s next visit to the lawyer was eye opening, his grandfather wanted Brian to be the man he thought he should be, the man that in life he wasn’t there to help but now in death wanted to make up for the mistake. Brian would receive $250 a week and would have to find a job and he was not allowed to ask any family member for help. In spite of his dislike for his grandfather and family and his determination to do what he wants he began to learn valuable lessons and they were taught to him by a man who was willing to do whatever it took to help those he loved. Cade had a mentally challenged older brother with the mentality of a seven year old and he was determined to give his brother the best life possible.

There was never any doubt in Brian’s mind that Cade was not out for his money, when he eventually got it back. Brian also learned that he had no friends as long as he couldn’t be the life of the party and was willing to pay for everything. Unlike a lot of Mr. Grey’s books this one is not about two men having to learn to deal with being gay and having family turn on them it is about a rich man learning that his money didn’t buy him what his poor friend’s lack of money bought him, love and family.

I absolutely loved the characters in this book especially Cade and his brother Phillip. This was a beautiful story about learning what is really important in life and that money can be used to help others which he learned was exactly what his mother and grandfather did. They lived their dream and Brian had to find his dream and a person to share that dream with.

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