Paranormal Romance Suspense
Independently Published
July 15, 2020

Marissa Dow is recovering from the death of her mother and a recent divorce. When she travels to the farm where she grew up, something extraordinary happens. It's an event so bizarre that she questions her sanity and confides in her best friend, Becka, who is skeptical about Marissa's wild tale. When proof presents itself, the two women vow to carry Marissa's secret to their graves.
Even when Marissa remarries, she doesn't reveal the secret to her new husband. Marissa and Brycen share a life together, and they welcome the arrival of a baby girl, whom they name Tara.
But when Tara begins to have nightmares that tie back to Marissa's time at the farm six years ago, the family struggles to understand what is happening to Tara. As good versus evil battle for space in Tara's world, can Marissa and Becka help her navigate? Will Tara live out her destiny--or will her life be altered by something beyond her control?
Reviewed by Sylvia A Reddom
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
You will love Marissa Dow as you follow her from country life on the family farm, to the big city. She excels at work and has a great life with her husband, Scott. That is, until the divorce, then her Mom dies, and the family estate needs her attention – all at once!
But with her best friend, Becka, at her back things move along. A visit to the family lands to sell the farm, however, provides a little bit more “excitement” than either woman can handle.
The language is an easy read, the story draws you in – but this part can be very “nerve wracking” to read in the dark–so please do not. Mysterious lights in the barn, dark strangers showing up, farm hands getting in her house, and someone is in her room!
It is just too much to comprehend. And when local authorities (including Sheriff Carter) tell her nothing is “up”, Marissa writes it all off to the stress of her loss, but her mother’s journal does nothing to abate her feelings that, well, something is not quite “right.”
Stories of a wee girl named Andrea, an evil presence that just won’t leave Marissa’s life or her dreams haunt her. So, she drowns herself with life at work, meets Brysen Malloya, a man who is everything Scott was not (or at least she thinks he is) and then the farm sells.
The farm: the new family has trouble getting anything to grow and Buck the old farmhand just cannot figure out why the fields of bluebonnets won’t thrive either.
Marissa: Add to her already “interesting” events in her life, is the fact she is pregnant. Except, she has only dreamt it. Or has she? She wants to marry again (Brysen) and decides to settle down and try to forget.
Becka: Like any good friend would, advises Marissa to marry the nice guy and convince him it is his child–only it is not. What? How can that be?
This storyline will enthrall you, entrap you. and pull you along as Marissa marries again and has a lovely daughter Tara. And then it all begins again. The terrifying dreams, Tara’s uniqueness (bordering a bit on the unbelievable) witnessed by both her Mom and Aunt Becka– and a newly hired psychic who gets the biggest surprise of her career.
Prepared to be enlightened as to the real meaning of “scary”, scary with spine chilling ideas. And when Marissa herself passes away unexpectedly, a whole new set of mysteries and miracles begin to happen all over again. What might come in the future lives of Tara and Becka? Will guidance flow from Marissa wherever she is?
This “Chosen” will have you wanting more. Can hardly wait!