Day and Knight Book 3
M/M Action Adventure
Dreamspinner Press
May 6, 2016

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
This is the third book in this series, and our author has taken it to more close and personal. Knight retired military has lost his wife and son, and we still do not know all the pieces. He has dragged himself out of the bottle, and is now working with Dayton Ingram for a secret agency called Scorpion. They were partnered together in the first book booked on a gay cruise to Mexico.
The first two books were more about working together, hooking up and returning home like feelings never happened. This book changes gears, letting them deal with feelings as Day’s brother Stephen disappears and the two fly to Phoenix to find him.
I loved this book more because it was time for these two to explore what they wanted in their lives. Day wanted more from Knight and we learned how bad Knight fought his feelings.
The story was a great adventure. The Arizona desert being a hot bed of crime with the drugs, the guns, the shuttling of people over the border for different purposes, and the US Customs looking away or on the take. We met a friend of Knights who was with him in the service who helped them but best was the deduction of Knight that he needed Day and the deduction at the end for Day to get their man.
I look forward to another story in this series. I want to hear about Panama!!!