Paranormal Romance
January 8, 2015

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Kristanta Jessmina Vita (Krista) is no ordinary girl, she is a Deathtaker. Krista has the ability to smell death and illness and can actually take the person’s death into herself. The only problem with her ability is that she can never be near the person she gave life back to since they would die. What she does is very dangerous for her, because she is the one that dies and it takes a day before she is back to herself. There is always the possibility someone will find her body and call the Coroner because as far as anyone is concerned she is dead.
Krista never knew who her father was and her mother left her when she was a baby. Her grandmother who raised her. Her grandmother has been dead for a few years and now she is alone. The Vita’s never have sons and each daughter is born a Deathtaker. Once again on the road, Krista stops at a motel in a small town called Cedar Creek and this stop would change her life forever. Although Krista had no intention of staying more than a day or two in Cedar Creek, she finds herself drawn to the small town and its people. She becomes friends with Adeline, the owner of the motel she is staying in, and with Opal the young waitress at the diner.
What she definitely never expected to do was accept a job working with Dr. Baker at the Cedar Creek Medical Center. Krista is not a nurse, but she assists them and she feels at home with Dr. Baker and Pete, his nurse. Before long she finds herself moving out of the motel and into the guesthouse of Abe Webber. His nephew is also staying there and is convinced that Krista wants his uncle’s money.
Samuel George Webber lost his mother six months ago and came to stay in Cedar Creek the place he spent holidays and summers in. He is living with his uncle in the main house and goes out of his way to be mean to Krista. He doesn’t even hide his feelings and makes them known to everyone. Sam is the only person in town who thinks she is untrustworthy, a lesson he finally learns on his own.
Krista knows Marlene Richardson is dying and she is determined to help her. For the first time in her life, she actually confesses everything to Dr. Baker, since she needs his help. Krista sees the love Marlene and her husband have for each other and wants them to have the life they deserve. Has Krista finally found a place where people would accept her? Does Sam finally wake up and see Krista for the person she really is?
This was a very unique story and the characters were wonderful. There are surprises and I look forward to more in the Deathtaker series.