REVIEW: Demons Treasure Warlocks – (Monsters in Love Book 3) – Toshi Drake

Demons Treasure Warlocks Book Cover Demons Treasure Warlocks
(Monsters in Love Book 3)
Toshi Drake
Gay Paranormal

Amazon Link: amazon

With imminent destruction possible, and the trust of the townsfolk gone, can Darius and Bale work together and set things right to send Hastur back to his demonic dimension?

Darius has worked hard to get where he is now. He has a home, two cats and a close circle of friends. He doesn’t mind that lightning sparks out of his fingers when he’s about to lose control, or his former lover, Bale, keeps hanging around, waiting for forgiveness Darius doesn’t believe he deserves.

He is fine. Everything is fine.

Bale knows that trying to get back into Darius’s good graces will require perseverance and a lot of patience. He’s determined to do it though, because Darius is the world to him. Agreeing to work with Hastur nearly killed him but it was worth it to keep Darius safe.

He’s going to prove to Darius that he always loved him.

Though their world is in constant peril, and friendships are strained to almost breaking Darius and Bale will fight to the death to keep the Elder Demon, Hastur, from consuming their town.

Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Amazon Link: amazon

This is the third and final book in the series and since I didn’t read the first two, I was left in a total state of confusion. I highly recommend reading this series in order if I had I would have had a different rating.

Darius and Balor (Bale) have a history together, but I didn’t really get the full story of what that history was. Darius blames himself for opening a portal that allowed Elder Demon Hastur to leave the demon dimension and enter the human dimension, but I also did not get the full story of what happened.

Balor loves Darius and is trying to prove his trust and love but so far, he has a long way to go. I didn’t know how far their relationship went, another thing I was lost about. Now that Hastur is the mayor of the town the townspeople want Darius to stand up and fight for them since Hastur is gaining the town’s trust.

Darius’s friends want the truth of what happened, but he is not ready to reveal anything. He tries to stay clear of what is going on but before long he will have to fight to end Hastur’s control and close the portal that he helped open.

There is no doubt that Darius and Bale’s story was told in the first two books and the author did not begin this book with an update leaving me at a loss. I enjoyed Darius and Bale, each trying to forget the past but not successfully.

I have no doubt that if I had read the first two books, I would have enjoyed this one, but I can only give a review on what I read while trying to get through a story that I couldn’t truly understand.

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