Gay Romance, LGBT, Contemporary, Romance
Beaten Track Publishing
September 1, 2017

Alexander Popescu is a university lecturer in a quiet German town. He’s a respectable man in his thirties who stays fit, has a decent career and travels alone—his only vice is an occasional greasy meal. And beer. And violent computer games. Nobody has to know about the other Alex—the acclaimed porn writer. His ingenious erotic fantasies earn him good money and keep his capricious mind harmlessly entertained.
When his young friend and protégé Christian transfers to Freiburg for medical school, Alex is overjoyed…and terrified that Christian will find out about Alex’s indecent alter ego. The time they spend together, as lovely as it is, could overturn Alex’s carefully balanced life. Suddenly, the writing is not good enough, his hair seems to be thinning, his careful hookups leave him unfulfilled, and his dreams are haunted by the innocent young man he’s vowed to protect.
However, Christian is not a boy anymore. He’s a grown man of twenty-one, clever and deadly attractive. And he’s hiding some secrets of his own.
Available at Amazon.
Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz
Sr. Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
One of my newest finds in writing, Roe Horvath’s word choices and tone seem to resonate with me; in quite an effective way. Her first The Layover was above average in content, story and her tone and flow faultless. Dirty Mind is her second, again tantalizing my taste buds.
Andrew Popescu lives quietly in a small German town of Freiburg, working as a University Lecturer by day. His secret life, for the extra money, he hides behind a pseudo name, letting his imagination ride free writing porn. He is good at it, his books sell, he is using it to travel, but always alone.
The meeting of Andrew and Christian happened three years prior, while Andrew was in Spain. Sitting at a local gay bar, Andrew pondered why he was there:
In this melting pot of hook ups, if I sorted away the two young, too old and too simpleminded, clingy, the gym bunnies, narcissists, eating disordered, drama queens, junkies, the uptight and self-destructive, I would be left with maybe three guys who I could imagine being near my dick. The chances of one of them being in the bar were slim to none. It was my own fault I was too high maintenance and an intellectual snob!
This is when young Christian entered, Andrew’s sight tunneled to only seeing him. The difference in age shot through Andrew as his thirty to this eighteen ish young man walked thru the bar being ogled by everyone there.
He looked a little dazed, like a new born foal looking around the barn for the first time, big eyes, gangly limbs and all. The innocence and naivete drifted with him like a glittering mist.
For 3 years this mentoring friendship flourished, Christian came to Freiburg to study at the University. Now Andrew was thrown into complete disarray with his neat little life, and a tornado arriving!
Again, I must shout from the roof tops, this book is pure magic! I cannot see anyone not loving every word, every nuance, every laugh, every sigh, as I did. Another winner, Ms. Horvat