Voodoo Butterfly Series, Book 2
Paranormal, Ghost, Magic Realism, Suspense, Thriller
Soul Mate Publishing, LLC
June 6, 2018

Voodoo shop owner Sophie Nouveau has it all: love, purpose, and the magical ability to change evil people good. Following in her family’s otherworldly footsteps, she emerges into the New Orleans voodoo community by taking part in a public voodoo baptism. However, she still hasn’t told Taj, the love of her life, about the paranormal skeletons in her closet. So when he leaves the country indefinitely and without explanation, she realizes they are both masters at keeping secrets. And since true love is the source of Sophie’s Mind Changer spell, she not only loses her soul mate, she loses her ability to protect herself and her city against an emerging threat.
Hordes of dead blackbirds fall from the sky. A diabolical fog attacks Poppy, Sophie’s best friend. And a shape-shifting bloodsucker preys on children in the bayous. Sophie must figure out who or what is at the root of this bad mojo. With her own magic on the fritz, though, Sophie cannot go it alone. Along the way she gets help from Jacques, who isn’t the diabolical murderer she thought he was, and a secret voodoo council. Can she learn to love again, regain her power in time, and save New Orleans from a monster?
Available at Amazon.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
This is the second book in this series and even more amazing than the first. If you have not read book one yet, then do so before reading this review because this is a series that must be read in order.
Sophie has finally realized all her dreams, love, a purpose and finally accepting her Mind Change ability but that unfortunately turns out to be the calm before the storm, and this storm is fierce. She still has not confessed her supernatural abilities to the love of her life, Taj, and suddenly he seems to be keeping secrets from her. He is not his usual self. He seems to be keeping secrets with his childhood friend Avi, secrets that like Sophie he isn’t sharing with the one he loves. The good thing is that Jacques has not been around since he tried to kill Sophie, but the secret is doing he really mean to kill her or save her that is just one of the storylines that held me from start to finish.
Blackbirds are falling from the sky dead, a bokor (voodoo sorcerer), Dr. Bones, suddenly appears at the Saint John’s Eve celebration bringing fear to an otherwise pleasant celebration. Poppy and Sophie are attacked by a fog, but when they secure themselves next to the shop and are safe, Poppy does the unbelievable and puts her hand out to touch the fog, another storyline that kept me anxious. If all that is not enough to get you interested, then here is more, an evil bloodsucking skeletal ghost is working with Dr. Bones. Due to an error on Sophie’s part when she visited her grandmother’s heaven, she left the portal open and something sinister entered. A Rougarou, a shifter whose bite transforms a person into a monster, was that what happened when Poppy put her hand into the fog?
We finally find out what Jacques really is when he finally returns to New Orleans and faces Sophie. He is not what I thought he was, but he does become her protector when Taj returns home to Malaysia and doesn’t contact her for a long time. Feeling that their relationship is at an end she leans more and more on Jacques. Her powers are gone since it was her love for Taj and his love for her that gave her the power. Now she has to find a way to gain her powers back because crime in New Orleans is on the rise, and the city she has grown to love is in serious danger.
For a girl new to voodoo and magic, she has now got a whole lot of trouble. Poppy is in danger, New Orleans is in danger, a bokor and a skeletal ghost are creating havoc, and there is still the question of why Taj left. I couldn’t put this book down and read it in one day only because I have book three and can’t wait to start it. I can’t recommend this book highly enough for anyone who loves paranormal, has an interest in voodoo and wants to read an edge of your seat story filled with amazing characters.