Hotel LaBelle Series Book 3
Paranormal Romance
The Wild Rose Press, Inc
November 12, 2018

Anomaly Defense and shapeshifter Bert Blackfeather doesn't need a boss with no experience. So what if she's beautiful or gives him a jolt when she shakes his hand? He never plans to get seriously involved with another woman—not in this lifetime.
Phoebe Wagner, an empath with psychometric abilities and an advocate for the deaf, gets more than she bargained for with Bert. One touch and she relives his IED injuries. So what if he's handsome and hot? She doesn't need to add his secrets to her own. Phoebe's are bad enough.
When his niece goes missing, from Hotel LaBelle, Bert goes to Montana to help, and Phoebe decides to go with him. Can these two hard-headed people share their darkest secrets in order to work together? It may be the only way to save an endangered child—and their own hearts when Bert's past rears its ugly head.
Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
This is my third visit to the Hotel LaBelle where love and the supernatural live and where I wish I could visit in person. This is the story of Bert Blackfeather the sister of Emma who we met in book two. Bert is the Director of the Anomaly Defense Division and is about to meet his new boss Phoebe Wagner the daughter of Senator Wagner.
Bert is convinced that Phoebe is just a spoiled rich girl and when she enters his office his mind is not changed. Phoebe is gorgous, model’s body, dressed to the nines and he is sure not suited for the job. Phoebe is deaf and comes in the office with a translator which Bert doesn’t need since he is adept at ASL. Bert has no idea that Phoebe is an empath and when she shakes his hand she sees just how he wound up in a wheelchair from an IED. It was in Iraq that Bert lost his legs from below the knees. What she doesn’t know is his ability to shapeshift into a bald eagle and the reason he refuses to wear prosthetics.
A phone call from home has him rushing back to Billings, Montana and the Hotel LaBelle where he is advised that his eighteen month old niece Miriam has been kidnapped. Phoebe insists on accompanying him in spite of his insistence she stay in Washington. The death of a child in Mexico where she was helping with deaf children has made her determined to help find this child and make up for the child she couldn’t save.
Needless to say there are quite a few supernatural beings at the hotel including a description of a small ugly man taking Miriam out her window. There is no doubt this little man is not human but a supernatural being and why he took Miriam and where she is all anyone can focus on. Miriam is Tallulah and Lucius’ daughter and if you have been reading this series than you know their story from book one. It was great reconnecting with everyone and learning what has been happening in their lives except for this tragic episode.
I don’t want to go into too much detail about the book since I fear giving away too much but I will say that someone from Bert’s past believed long dead shows up and there is human trafficking and child kidnapping involved. It is Phoebe who gets into the middle of everything and who is not only determined to save Miriam but to win over Bert.
Hotel LaBelle is a place where magic happens and whether that magic brings back Miriam or unites Bert and Phoebe is something for you to find out for yourself and believe me you won’t be sorry.