Hell to Pay
Fantasy Romance
Crimson Romance
September 14, 2015

Review by Jennifer Kost
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Flame Unleashed is the third story in this series by Jillian David. Within this telling, we are reintroduced with a previous minor character, Ruth Blackstone.
Ruth is a no-nonsense, unassuming nurse for the lovable and aged Barnaby. For the past 150 years, Ruth has been trying to find peace in nursing, as her life was in the beginning as a field nurse in the Civil War. After suffering deep and traumatic betrayal after becoming Indebted, Ruth vows to never open her heart again… and so she remains true to her vow for all these years. On a trip assisting Barnaby, she encounters a Cajun rogue, Odie Pierre-Noir.
I am so glad to discover more about Ruth in the book. It was so obvious in the other books that she had deep secrets and her life, even being Indebted, had so much more potential. Ruth has so much love and compassion buried within her.
Odie is just a rugged bad boy that as soon as we meet him in the book our hearts start beating faster, because who doesn’t love a bad boy?
As much as this story really centers on Ruth, I find myself watching Odie grow leaps and bounds as a person, into someone he has forgotten he could be over time. Odie is a girl’s dream come true – bad boy on the outside with a gooey loving center.
I appreciate that in this series there is a general trending pattern, but each book is a new spin on becoming and being Indebted and finding redemption.
Still hoping for Barnaby’s story. 🙂