M/M Paranormal Mystery
JCP Books, LLC
February 23, 2011

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
So I must begin by re-mentioning this to you, those of you who are reading my reviews encompassing the PsyCop series: I LOVE IT. Just when you get into a rhythm and think you know what to expect from the characters, this wonderful author Jordan Castillo Price, comes up with other ideas to ensnare you.
Victor Bayne, whose POV directs the series, is sometimes shy, sometimes nerdy, sometimes stronger than he imagines, and sometimes ten feet tall and a leader. He can make you furious with his fears and doubts, and in the next breath make you laugh out loud with his shtick about his fears and doubts.
Meeting Jacob has done a lot for Vic. Vic and Jacob not only give us great sensual chemistry, but both of them are in it for the long haul. The gathering of friends Crash, Lisa, and others have made a wonderful group and have given us some pretty scary times. Camp Hell was an astounding book, and I couldn’t wait to see what our author cooked up for us in GhosTv. Let me say, it almost topped Camp Hell for me!
Lisa left Chicago to go study at PsyTrain in California and has been reported missing. Vic and Jacob travel out there to help solve the mystery. The thought that went into this storyline was just fantastic. Our Vic and now Jacob are learning about each other’s special powers, and I can see them growing into quite a team.
We meet more characters from Vic’s past and watch Vic’s powers grow and grow and grow. For fans of this genre who love ghosts, psychics, and mysteries, this author is at the top.