Men of London Book 8
M/M Romance
Boroughs Publishing Group
July 28, 2016

Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz
Sr. Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
I will admit, I have been binging on Ms. Mac Nicol’s Men of London Series for the past two months. I reviewed the first book Love you Senseless when released in October of 2014. I loved it and lost track as we readers can do, noticed #9 was releasing and ran amok!!
I love how the author ‘sets the reader up’ letting us have glimpses of the characters, before they have their own book. It’s nice to sorta have a feel for who they are, or where they are in life. This story is no exception as we met Ryan Bishop in Suit Yourself. Ryan was Lenny’s ‘friend with benefits’ (which ended quickly when Lenny met Oliver). Ryan a sexy nightclub owner loves to take the drag stage with Lenny on those nights when the risqué duo makes the crowd go wild.
Ryan and Mango Manning have been hooking up for a few years. Mango who can’t commit has again has left town and Ryan one time too many. THIS IS IT Ryan says for the 90th time……But just maybe…. Mango is ready, to stop all the running and not want to come home to an empty apartment.
Certainly, this is a story of Mango learning he has to give, and Ryan sticking to his guns and not making it easy for Mango to get back into his life. Our author not only did that but made Mango a hero in my eyes not the jerk I thought him…..Very Good Work Ms. Mac Nicol….Never thought you could do that!
Also realize that I am going to read Book 9…The Last of the Series…..Cannot wait but am sad….The Last of the Series…..Or is it?