Review: Heart of a Hero – Regan Black and Debra Webb

Heart of a Hero Book Cover Heart of a Hero
The Specialists- Heroes Next Door Book 2
Regan Black and Debra Webb
Mystery Romance
Harlequin Intrigue
February 1, 2015

Review by Gloria Lakritz

Sr Reviewer and review chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild

This is the second book of this new breakout series, The Specialists, from the Dynamic Duo Regan Black and Debra Webb. The first, Hunk Next Door, kept me glued to my seat and made me a very happy reader.

Both of these authors have an easy voice, great timing, and much spirit as the words dance off the pages. The characters are dimensional and easy to feel, the vivid scenery in this one makes me feel like I am right there facing all the fear, danger, and horror as this story unfolds.

CIA Agent Will Chase is part of the Specialist Team. These new recruits are being placed undercover in different parts of the United States and are told to become part of the community. They are moles living in their area, working and becoming part of the locals. They are told they do not know when they will be needed. Will Chase, is now a mailman, working a route where Charly Binali has a family business being a trail guide. The area is in the heart of the Rockies.

Will and Charly have connected and gone out a few times, but before it has time to get serious, Charly is hired by a rich well dressed gentleman who claims he is bringing a group of employees to a team building weekend of camping and climbing and camaraderie.

Okay Charly finds she is on a trip with a mad man and six mercenaries, and the mail man she thought she was falling in love with is certainly not a mailman. Who is he and why did he lie?

There is almost no time to dwell on it, as murder and survival come first and this is what Charly might do best! I loved this story and how these two learned there was too much to lose and not to fight with each other. I loved this story, and you will too.

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