M/M Fiction
July 20, 2017

Reviewed by Charlayne Elizabeth Denney
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
“Love is like the wild wind” and the weaving of loves and lives in When Heaven Strikes is just as wild.
Ted is an artist, commissioned to do a painting for one of the wealthy women in town. When he goes to her home to find out what she would like for him to paint, he meets the woman’s grandson, Anderson. Like the ripple from the wings of a butterfly, this chance meeting changes everyone’s lives.
Ted is from an abusive background and is wanting to trust but holds back until Anderson coaxes him out of the protective shell he’s wrapped himself in. Anderson, a surgeon, has had bad relationships and is also a bit gun-shy. Swirling like the winds around them are James and Josiah, whose parents are involved in a cult-like church and whose father attacks Ted for being gay.
As the tension builds, so do the storm clouds, and both Ted and Anderson will have to weather that storm to find the love they want.
Ok, I read a lot in bed. It’s the way I settle down for the night. But, I always know the book will get a 5 star rating when I cannot put the book down to go to sleep. I keep thinking “one more chapter” and soon it’s 3:30 a.m. and I’m hitting the last page.
That happened with When Heaven Strikes. Frederick Feeley weaves the storms into the story and they carry you from the first chapter to the end so flawlessly that there’s hardly enough room to breathe. Ted is wonderfully crafted, Anderson is as well. I felt sorry for James and Josiah and their family situation was one I’m fairly familiar with, having had friends who went through something like that.
The climax of the book is the big tornado blowing into their lives and the changes it is bound to make. Having grown up in Tornado Alley and having a husband who used to chase for his university, I know how those storms happen and I was very impressed with how the author managed to make the facts and science of the storm the narrative for the upending of lives in the book. Pure genius.
Oh, and the author also writes poetry and includes some in the book, which was a treat.
Wonderfully and passionately written, I cannot recommend this one enough. Read it, and be prepared to soar with the winds of love.