Gemma-Hydrox Book (Purple Posse)
Sci-Fi Romance
MTW Press
March 22, 2019

Thomas Wheeler, director at the FPU has lent his team to the Premier Guard on another planet. He and his right hand human, Martin Galvez, are trying to make a go of the department on their own, but dammit, they need shifters. When he hears about a contingency of six from Gemma-Hydrox who might fit the bill, he’s both elated and stunned, because never in his life has he come across anything like them.
Reena can’t wait to leave Gemma-Hydrox and start her new job on earth. Having been incarcerated for the majority of her life, she’s only dreamed of seeing new worlds and meeting new people. What she doesn’t anticipate is her new boss, and the things he’s kept deeply hidden…even from himself. He tries to keep distance between them, but she digs in her claws. She knows just what he is, and just how to help him.
Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
When Thomas Wheeler the Director of the FPU was forced to turn over his best agents to the Premier Guard he was left with a small staff to search for and destroy the killer of shifters, a killer using what they have termed an invisible drug since they can’t seem to determine it’s makeup. Now having to deal with the killer and other paranormal incidents between humans and shifters and the rejection of one recruit after another to take his team’s place there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Detective Marek introduces the idea of using drangels, the classification Marek came up with when he fell in love with Eve. It was his love for Eve and the joy he brought to her that finally released the dragon/angel since she and her other sister drangels were imprisoned for most of their lives being considered defective since they could not shift from male to female like all the others. Now that they are finally free and being accepted into society some of them can’t wait to leave Gemma-Hydrox and venture out into the world.
When Marek and Eve approach the six drangels who want to leave, Reena, Catha, Arsted, Hather, Sallsy and Tergale some are excited and some are reluctant but in the end they all agree to meet the Director and were promised a return home if they were not interested in being with the FPU. The first meeting between Wheeler and the girls did not go as expected, first Wheeler and Reena were totally and absolutely attracted to each other, secondly the girls questioned how they could possibly work for a clandestine agency when they were purple, another thing that Wheeler was unaware of.
The girls come up with an ingenious plan as to work for the agency while everyone around them would believe them to be new to Earth and who are opening a business in the same building as the FPU putting them in close proximity to Wheeler. Of course the girls pass their psychological tests and can’t wait to start their new jobs, Reena of course can’t wait to get Wheeler alone.
Thankfully the girls are quick learners and they are a laugh riot, well that is the first time I used that saying in a review but that is what they were. After years of being imprisoned they are lose and anything goes, no one is going to cage them up again, physically or verbally.
Although this is a new series it does have a lot to do with the Gemma-Hydrox series and with the characters in that series. Wheeler has a secret which he doesn’t seem to be able to hide from Reena or the girls and he knows that whatever Reena and he are feeling has to be pursued. The book has romance, sex, lies, secrets and surprises and the only negative I have is that I have to wait for book two, boo hoo.