A Fated Novel
Fated Mates, Fantasy Romance, Shifters
Sept 7, 2023
The dominant Alpha demands submission from his pack, but she may not be the submissive wolf he wants her to be…
Alpha of his pack, Donte has claimed a human, who was turned into a shifter, for his pack. The very thing he was sent to destroy, now he protects. Donte and his men will defy the orders of the High Alpha to protect one of their own— but they cannot hide her forever. As the years go on, Donte struggles with his wolf, and his past. Will he be his own downfall? As Pup grows, so does her wolf, and the secret that Donte has hidden from her is becoming harder to hide. Will the truth break her trust for her Alpha?
I have been alive for over two hundred years and have never met anyone like her. Hybrid. An abomination. I should have ended her when I found her as a child but something stopped me. Maybe Fate. Instead, I took her into my pack and my men have raised her to be strong— but I need her to be stronger. Not only did the humans create her, now they hunt her along with a powerful shifter. And if my father knew of her existence, he would also stop at nothing to destroy her. But she is mine, and I will protect her. Always.
After years of training I now fight alongside my pack, and alongside him. I admire him in every way. I want to be like him. While he worries every day for my safety, I worry he will never think I am strong enough. I need to prove I am worthy enough to be in the pack, and to be his equal. Let my enemies come. I will continue to fight to be here. With him. Always.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
OMG where to begin, so much is going on and I must be careful not to give away spoilers. This is a shifter story but not like we are used to reading about and watching movies about. This is a book where the shifters do not consider themselves werewolves, they live hundreds of years and cannot turn a human into one of them, you are born a shifter and that is it.
Donte Dremora is the Alpha of his pack; his brother Adonis is his Beta. Donte and his pack have been assigned to find the facilities experimenting on humans in an attempt to turn them. Their mission is to kill everyone, and then destroy the facility. After killing everyone they proceeded to the cages where the failed experiments were in nightmarish condition, when sifting they were stuck half wolf and half human and in extreme pain, mentally and physically.
Donte put an end to the horror these creatures were subjected to and while clearing out all the cages Donte discovered a young child hiding under her bed. His job was to kill her because at the age of eighteen when she would go through her first shift there was no way of knowing if she would become the very creatures they just killed. When it came to shooting her Donte couldn’t go through with it and put himself and his pack in danger. Making matters worse Donte named himself her protector, which he knew would mean his death.
Donte’s father is the High Alpha, his mother High Omega and if they found out about the girl, he took into his pack they wouldn’t stop till they killed her. Donte’s life would also be forfeit since only the High Omega can assign a protector and he had orders to kill everyone they found in the facility. Donte kept questioning himself about what he did and when he realized that Pup, the name he gave her, would grow and become an Omega she could share his power, Omega’s are equal to Alphas, another difference to what we are used to.
Pup suffers from nightmares, and she remembers what happened to her. She has an attachment to both Adonis and Donte, but it is Donte she always wants to be nearby. After eleven years she has grown and is put through constant training to prepare her in the event of trouble. She is now seventeen, one more year before her first shift and Donte is prepared to do whatever he has to if her shift goes wrong.
They move from one safe-house to another trying to find more facilities and trying to put an end to the torture humans are being put through. By the time Pup is twenty her feelings for Donte have grown, she has grown into a beautiful woman and although she is unaware of the fact that she is an Omega she still instinctively keeps rebelling against Donte’s orders, he knows what it means, she doesn’t.
I don’t want to reveal what happens during Pup’s first shift or the information that is discovered explaining why she was at the facility, who was responsible and why she is being followed. I will say that the one responsible and who wants her back is a true monster. There is also the question of what will happen between Donte and Pup.
Violence, surprises, secrets and horror, the horror of humans subjected to horrible experiments. Unfortunately, the story is not over, and my biggest complaint is when will book two be out. There are very little happy moments, but this is a book so well worth reading.