REVIEW: It Takes a Photographer – Quint and Clay Art Crimes Series Book 5 – Edward Kendrick

It Takes a Photographer Book Cover It Takes a Photographer
Quint & Clay Art Crimes Book 5
Edward Kendrick
Mystery, Gay Romance
May 6, 2021

Olivia is a photographer working at Rory and Lou's art gallery. While taking pictures at the party Clay and Quint throw to celebrate the adoption of their son, she captures what seems to be a murder in the building behind them.

Lou and Quint take it upon themselves to investigate -- unofficially at first -- with the help of Rory and Gideon Monahan. When they find out the presumed victim is alive and denying anything happened, they dig deeper. Things heat up as Rory goes undercover to try to learn the truth while the others delve into the backgrounds of the people involved and Olivia finds more photos relevant to the case.

Now all they have to do is find out what the photos really show, and if what looked like a murder may be even more than it seems.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Clay and Quint are now parents thanks to Clay’s gallery manager Amanda. Amanda’s sixteen-year-old niece became pregnant and due to her age decided on adoption and Clay and Quint were ready. Now everyone is together celebrating the finalization of the adoption.

Olivia is a photographer that works at Rory and Lou’s gallery and is taking pictures of everyone on this happy occasion. When she develops the film, she sees something suspicious and brings it everyone’s attention, a woman in an apartment across the way belonging to Floyd Seave appears to be strangled and an unofficial investigation begins.

When things begin to point to a murder the unofficial investigation becomes official. Everybody is helping but Quint and Lou are taking the lead. Rory is working undercover to get close to Floyd Seaver’s wife currently staying in his apartment but unfortunately, flirting with a woman is not his forte.

Seaver’s current wife and his ex-wife appear to be working together and Seaver is missing. The belief is that he is dead and one or both wives did it. There are a great many questions that need to be answered but they first must find the missing man and talk to both wives and that may not happen.

If you have read the first four books in this series, then you are very familiar with all the characters, if you haven’t then I strongly recommend doing so. Every book in the series is a mystery and romance worth your time. This was the shortest book and although it doesn’t cover an art crime, photography is an art and, in this case, worked to bring a murderer to justice.

Wonderful characters, a mystery to solve, romance and surprises.

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