Immortals Book 10
Paranormal Romance
August 8, 2018

Gods blast it, why did it have to be a lion-tamer? Shamash, god of justice, and a golden leopard shifter, never imagined mating with someone whose job is to dominate the feline species. And to make matters worse, he doesn’t feel an ounce of lust for the curvaceous, smart-mouthed blonde. But if taking her as his Chosen will help his fellow gods stay on earth, he’ll swallow his distaste and take one for the team. Eternity with Marla by his side, however, is going to feel like a damned long time.
Quinn doesn’t understand why aliens have come to earth, or why Marla looks so pleased to work with them. Quinn is scared to death to have them notice her and put her under the same kind of spell, something she might find hard to fight considering how handsome the golden, curly-haired E.T. is with all those glorious muscles. And scrub the thought of that intriguing piercing through his bottom lip that makes her tongue long to test its contours. No. Her best bet is to stay hidden and hope he and his friends don’t plan on taking over the world.
Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Due to two of the goddesses going into labor at the same time, Shamash the God of Justice and a golden leopard shifter and a few other gods having taken some of the kids to the circus. It was while watching the lion tamer in action that Shamash became corporeal leaving him to suspect that the lion tamer, a small blond woman was his Chosen. What should have been a very happy occassion was anything but because Shamash felt nothing for his Chosen, neither hate, love or lust and this was the woman he was supposed to spend eternity with.
Unknown to Shamash was that a girl was hiding nearby, a girl who spent most of her life at the circus and it was not a pleasant life. Quinn was nothing more than a servant being passed from one circus performer to another every two years at the command of the owner. Some of her keepers were kind but some used her in every way possible including sex whenever they demanded it. This was the only life that Quinn knew and in addition to how she was treated she was also deaf.
When Shamash saw Quinn in the lion cage he instantly knew that she was his Chosen and with help from the lion Jeremiah he was able to learn about the life Quinn had. Quinn can see all the gods whether invisible or not and she is also able to see their enemies, Beletseri and Matthew. Bel and Matthew are still recovering from what happened to them in Hell and are still determined to keep the gods from finding their Chosen. Only four months left and if all the gods are unmated they will be sent back to Hell forever.
As soon as Shamash realizes who Quinn is he immediately takes her back to their home in the Blue Hills intending to show her what it is to be really loved and that sex is something beautiful when done with the right person. As far as Quinn is concerned she once again has a new keeper and hopefully he will be nicer than the last one. When she immediately gives herself to him for sex and he refuses she is totally confused and is sure she is too blame not realizing that Shamash is not about to act as the other men in her life did.
Welcomed with hugs and kisses by all the goddesses Quinn is surrounded by people unlike any she ever knew. Knowing now that the people she thought were aliens were actually gods she feels at home but knows by past experience that it will not be home for long. When the gods and goddesses speak with their minds it is very painful for Quinn because she is hearing so much at one time but she is able to handle speaking with Quinn through their mind.
Quinn is an amazing girl and inspite of her life she is a strong girl and accepts everything willingly. She even has a nickname for Shamash which she keeps to herself, Spot, because unknown to everyone she saw him shift into his leopard. There is a lot that Shamash has to learn about his Chosen things that Quinn herself is unaware of.
This book introduces a new enemy one that is more dangerous than Bel or Matthew ever were and the gods have to find a way to deal with him. I won’t reveal who the enemy is or anything else that happened and believe me a lot happened. There are a lot of surprises, I mean a lot and I can’t wait for book eleven which hopefully Ms. Vickery is busy working on right now. Love, Love, Love this series.