LGBT, Gay Romance
Dreamspinner Press, LLC
July 19, 2019

Christopher Hughes is new to the small New England town of Lancaster, New Hampshire. He’s been hired to save an old library from closing, but his obstacles include not only fighting for state funding, but a Selectman who wants to tear the building down in favor of a shopping center.
Christopher meets Miles Sakasai, a charming tattooed repairman hired to help restore the historical interior. Working in close proximity has both men falling hard for each other, and also provides Christopher an opportunity to learn about Miles’s passion for baking. As it turns out, Miles’s skills in the kitchen may end up being the key to saving the library—but only if his bread can rise to the occasion.
Available at Amazon.
Review by Gloria Lakritz
Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
Waiting for the next chapter in C.S. Poe’s ending to her Snow and Winter Series with Book #4 till September 24 has been difficult….I was so excited to see she eecked out an adorable short story in her ‘other world’ her fans are reading in the small village of Lancaster, New Hampshire. We have met Gideon in ‘Joy’ and Bowman
in the ‘Color of You’ and now for this summer short we meet Christopher Hughes coming to town!
Working a few part time jobs, he luckily has asked to be interviewed for Librarian of the Lancaster Public Library. With his English degree he is hoping to be considered when the aged librarian has died. The building is an historical site and Christopher is delighted he was given the keys and a job during the interview.
Before it can be opened, some shelves need to be repaired for safety and Chris has been given the name of a local repairman.
This book might not be long but it checks all my boxes…..I loved it! Great job Ms. Poe.